Tech's First Day of Work

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You drop Tech off at a garage a few miles from your work and head out. Tech enters the building on the side and meets Tony. He looks Tech up and down before he speaks. "You must be the guy that Nan sent over. Don't look much like an illegal."

Tech nods. You had warned him that there are people who try to cross the border illegally for a better life, and because the system is broken. "My name is Theo, but I go by Tech. Nan had said that you may have some work I can do." He adjusts his goggles.

"What kind of cars have you worked on in the past? I need help with tuning the engines on these cars, and transmission work on this one." Tony waved at the cars in turn.

Tech stands confidently "To be honest, I have not worked on cars, but I do have experience with other types of equipment and engineering."

Tony is taken aback, his mouth agape. "What do you mean you've never worked on cars before? You telling me Nan sent some shiny kid here?"

Tech shakes his head. "I do not know what Nan did or did not tell you. I may not have worked on cars before, but I do have mechanical experience. You said this car needs transmission work, correct? That means it needs to move an appropriate amount of power from the engine to the wheels. Give me a chance to fix it, and you can decide if it is worth keeping me."

Tony contemplates the offer. He does need the work done, and he is short a guy this week. He takes the gamble. "You figure out what is wrong with it and either have a plan of action to fix it, or have it fixed by the end of the day, got it?" Tech nods. "Yes, sir."

Tony beckons one of the other mechanics over. "Gary, this is Tech. Give 'im a tour of the garage and where everything is at. He's working on the Caddy." Tony heads to his office and slams the door.

"Ouch, must've made the boss mad on your first day. The name's Gary." He outstretched his hand toward Tech. "Theo, but I prefer Tech." Gary nods.
"Nice to meet you. Lemme show you around and I'll let you get started."

You hadn't heard from Tech. You worried because it was his first time solo in this new reality. But at the same time, you knew he was fine and probably working. You had hoped he might send you a text during lunch, but nothing.

"Stop worrying about your lover boy, he's fine." You heard Nan say to you after you checked your phone for the tenth time. You gave the back of her head a dirty look. "He's not my lover boy, we're just friends."

Nan gives you the 'I'm not amused' look. "Uh huh. You told that to him? Because he looks at you like you hung the moon." You shake your head. "No he doesn't. He doesn't think of me like that. We're just friends!" Nan sighs as she walks back to her office.

It's true though, you think. Tech had a lot more things on his mind than you. You were probably at the bottom of any list of things Tech thinks about. You were just a Good Samaritan who was helping someone in need, who just happened to be an interdimensional traveler from a fictional universe.

That didn't mean that you hadn't thought of him, especially after he was in the towel that morning. You hadn't noticed the '99' tattoo on his left pec before. You wondered about how and when he got it. Did one of his brothers do it, or a Reg? The door chime took you out of your thoughts as you see Tech coming in. You look over at the clock and see it's almost 6 pm.

You smile up at Tech before your brain realizes that Tech should be at the garage. "What are you doing here? I thought I would be picking you up from the garage."

Tech has a ghost of a smile on his face. "The garage closes at 5:30. One of the mechanics, Gary, gave me a ride here." Nan decides to come out of her office.

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