Tech's Day at the Museum

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You slowly wake up the next morning, feeling a warm pressure next to you in bed. As you become more aware, you feel pinned down by Tech's arms wrapped around your stomach, his breath ghosting your neck. Never did you think that Tech would take you up on your offer for him to share your bed after his nightmare, and here he was cuddling you!

You try to keep your breathing steady so as to not disturb him. It has been a while since you have been held like this; not since your last boyfriend, which we'll not go into here. All you know is this somehow feels right, normal even. As you bask in the warmth of your favorite clone's body against yours, you feel him begin to stir. You hold still, holding your breath as he seems to assess the position he is in.

"I know you are awake, you can stop holding your breath." You feel the warmth move away as Tech sits up in the bed. "I am sorry that I invaded your space, I did not mean to…" You turn around in the bed and hush him mid-sentence. "Don't. It felt nice. And I know you didn't mean to. Just don't think about it too much, or that brilliant brain might short-circuit." You giggle as his brows raise to his hairline, and his mouth opens and closes like a fish.

You sit up in your bed, and look over at Tech. "How did you sleep?" He sighs, his shoulders relaxing a bit. "Much better, I did not have any more dreams." You hum as you get up to head to the bathroom, wearing just a tank top and panties. You notice Tech averting his eyes as you walk by, and smile to yourself.

When you are done, you notice that Tech has vacated the bed, with his side made up. You smile as you decide to make up your side as well and put on your Grogu pj bottoms. Tech is sitting on the couch, looking over the tablet. You clear your throat to catch his attention

"Would you like some breakfast? I was thinking of eating some cereal myself, but I do have some eggs if you want." Tech doesn't look away from the tablet as he speaks. "Cereal sounds fine. What kind do you have?" You open up the cabinet, seeing some corn flakes and some cocoa pebbles, figuring the latter might not be the best choice. "I have some corn flakes. I usually add some banana to help sweeten it up a bit."

You hear Tech set the tablet down and head to your kitchenette. He watches you prepare your bowl as you cut up half of a banana in slices. You turn your head to look at him. "Would you like me to make you some?" Tech nods and you grab him a bowl. When you finish, you both head back to the couch to sit and eat.

As you both chew away, your mind wanders to what activities you could do this weekend. You figured a trip to the local museum and zoo might be fun and educational for Tech. You also think of driving up to the mountains, maybe take him to a national park for sight-seeing. He might be interested in going to a movie, although you weren't sure what was out at the time. The possibilities are endless.

"Did you want to go out and explore this weekend? I can take you to the nature and science museum to show you different exhibits from here, and around the world. Or we can go to the zoo, where they have different animals from different parts of the planet. Or we can head up to the mountains, and explore one of the small towns. Anything sound good to you?" You look Tech over, hopeful he'll want to go out and do something fun. He adjusts his goggles as he contemplates your question.

"The museum sounds like a good place to start. I would very much like to explore more of this world." You smile brightly as you grab your phone and look up tickets and exhibits. Tech takes your empty bowl into the kitchen and washes it with his. You see the special exhibit showing is about Bugs, and figured Tech would find that fascinating. You checkout, getting the tickets for both admission and the exhibit.

Tech comes and sits down next to you again and picks up the tablet. He has started to pick up on how to read English without the need to translate to Aurebesh first, although it is slower for now. You stare over at him, a smile as you just enjoy his company. You grab your phone, and take a photo of him. He looks so serious as he is reading, which just makes him look cuter.

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