Tech's New Name

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A/N- Story is now listed as Mature, so please be aware.

Tech was exhausted. He had not slept well the night before due to that dream. He was not accustomed to having dreams, at least none that he remembers. He almost felt like they were telling him something was wrong. He hoped that after his sacrifice, that his squad had found their way off Eriadu.

After coming back from the shopping and talking about his potential future, Tech was ready for a nap. You had offered up your bed, but he declined. You shrugged as you told him you'd wake him up in time for dinner.

Once Tech had laid down, he found his brain was keyed up. There was so much to figure out, between his new name, and what he wanted to do. He decided that he would close his eyes and try to relax, but found sleep elusive. Maybe he should have taken you up on your offer.

He thought about you and everything you had done so far. You have been very generous, both with your kindness, and comfort, but also your time. He was not sure what would have happened if he had landed in someone else's domicile.

Tech felt drawn to you. You are beautiful. He always felt his heart pick up when you smiled at him. Earlier, when you had wrapped your pinky around his, he felt compelled to return the gesture. Despite only knowing each other for a few days, you had both shared some intimate moments, like the keldabe earlier. It just felt right. He could not explain it, but it did.

With his eyes still closed, he heard you moving about the kitchenette. He wondered what you planned on making tonight. You are a great cook. He's liked what you've made for him so far. Definitely better than the food at Cid's cantina.

He started dozing off when you came up to him to wake him up for dinner. "Time to wake up, dinner's ready." He got up and followed you to the kitchen to see sandwiches and a mug of brown liquid. "What do we have here?" You turned to him and handed him his plate.

"This is called French Dip. It's a roast beef sandwich with provolone cheese and Au Jus sauce. You dip the sandwich in the sauce." You smile and head to your couch. Once there, you both begin to eat. Tech found he very much liked this meal, and once he was done, he let you know how much.

"You are an excellent cook. This was great. Thank you." Your face warms up at the compliment. "You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it." Your smile brought butterflies to his stomach. He smiled back at you and grabbed your empty plate to take to the kitchenette. He didn't mind doing the dishes to help out, especially when you made the meal.

You followed him later to put away and remaining food for later and helped with drying the dishes. He was struck with how nice the situation is, both of you working together. He was lucky if he got any of his brothers, with the exception of Echo, to help out with anything related to chores.

Once you were both done, you headed to the living room to turn on some music, something more soothing than what Tech had heard you listening to. He decided to head for the couch and grabbed his new phone. He liked it a lot. You had told him that it was like a mini tablet that had access to the internet. It even came with a stylus.

He decided to pull up a website with different names to go over with you. "Would you like to go over names now?" You nodded and sat down with him, close enough to look at his phone. As you scrolled through the names together, you pointed out some names.

"Charles, or Charlie is a nice name, meaning 'freeman'. My great grandfather had been named that. Stephen is another good name, of Greek origin, meaning 'crown'. One of the most brilliant minds of our time was named Stephen Hawking." Tech nodded along. So far, Stephen seemed like a good name. You continued.

"Lex is an interesting name, short and sweet. Although, it does remind me of a Superman villain. Connor is an Irish name, meaning 'lover of hounds'. Ooh, what about Theodore? It's Greek for 'gift of God'. Since you literally fell into my room from above, that would suit you." You smirked.

You had explained to him that there were some religions that believed an all powerful being or beings created everything. The concept fascinated him. He did like the sound of Theodore, but he wanted your opinion.

"Which name do you like the best?" You contemplated his question before answering. "I like Theo, which is short for Theodore. I just feel like that one would fit you the best." Tech nodded at that.

"So Theodore "Tech" Cross. I like it a lot." You give him a brilliant smile, making Tech fall for you that much more. He was surprised with how easy it was to like you. Not even with Phee did he seem to think of her as a potential partner right away, but with you, it felt like it was meant to be.

You piped up about the next day. "I have work tomorrow, and my boss should be there. I'm going to ask her if she knows anyone who might take you on for work for now. I also want to ask her if she knows of any way to get your identification, she might know a guy who knows a guy." Tech pondered that.

"Are you sure you can trust her?" You laughed. "Yes, I trust her. She is like a second mom to me. Did you want to come hang out tomorrow and meet her?" Tech nodded. "Then we should probably head to bed, since we'll have to wake up early for showers."

You get up from the couch, about to head into your room to do your nightly routine, when you think of something. You turn back to Tech. "Are you sleeping out here again?"

"I think it would be for the best. I do not want to intrude on your privacy." You nod. "That's fair. Just know, if you feel like you might sleep better or not have those dreams, we can share the bed. It's big enough for both of us. I just don't want you to worry if those dreams keep you up."

"Thank you for the offer. I will keep that in mind. Good night." You wave at him and wish him a good night as well. Tech waits for you to finish up in the bathroom before he does his own routine before he falls asleep. He plugs in his phone and closes his eyes and falls asleep.

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