Tech's New Reality

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You look over to the clock, noticing it is almost 2:30 in the morning. You had watched the two-part finale at 1 am, when it came out on Disney+ in your timezone. Then Tech landed in your bedroom, and you had been busy figuring out what the hell happened. Now, you felt the adrenaline from the events earlier begin to fade as you were getting sleepy. Still, ever the gracious host, you wanted to make sure Tech was taken care of before you went to bed. You snatched your hand back from him and begin to speak.

"It is really early in the morning here, and I still have yet to go to bed. I have work in the morning, but I might call in." Your face grew warm when he raised his brow in question. "I just want to make sure you will be okay, since this place is new for you. My manager is pretty chill, so it shouldn't be a problem to miss a day."

You pick up your glass of water to finish the rest, and grab the pitcher to take to the fridge. "Would you like any more water before I put this away?" He looks over to his empty glass and shakes his head. "No, thank you. That was sufficient."

You hum and grab his glass and walk into your kitchenette, placing the pitcher of water into the fridge and the glasses into the sink to wash later. You startle when you see movement out of the corner of your eye; Tech moved to the entrance of your kitchenette to watch you. You smile back to him as you point out where to find things.

"If you want some more water, it's in the fridge there, and cups are in this cabinet here. Are you hungry? I don't have a lot, but I can heat up something for you." Tech shook his head again. "No, thank you. Even if I were hungry, I don't think I could eat right now."

You nodded, figuring that may be the case after the night he's had. You walk to where Tech is standing and say a quiet "excuse me" as you head to your room and your closet. After rummaging around for a blanket and an extra pillow, you reappear in the living room, and set the stuff down onto the couch. You turn to where Tech is standing, looking over the picture of you on the wall. You clear your throat, catching his attention.

"I'm sure you may not be tired right now, what with everything that has happened, but in case you are, I have a pillow and a blanket here for you to use. The couch is not the most comfortable, but it is better than the floor. The bathroom is in my room, so if you need to go, just go ahead. The toilet has a handle on the top left to flush. There is soap next to the sink to wash your hands." You pause, thinking of anything else, when you notice your tablet on the coffee table. You beckon him over to the couch and sit down again.

Showing him the tablet, you go over some of the features. "This is my tablet, or datapad. If you are bored and want to look up things about where you are now, you can press this icon here. This will bring you to the internet." You look over to him watching your movements, as a thought occurs to you. So far, you have been able to communicate in English, but could he read it? You pull up the Wikipedia page for Earth and ask him if he could read and understand? When he shakes his head again, you open a new tab and pull up an image of the Aurebesh alphabet with the English equivalent. With Tech's brilliant mind, you were sure he could figure it out in no time.

"Here is the Aurebesh to English translation. I'm sure you'll figure this out quickly. We can talk more in the morning, but for now, I really need to get to bed." You go to stand up, but are stopped by Tech's hand coming to rest in yours. You look up to see his face is unreadable. You can tell he wants to say something, but something is holding him back. You smile up at him, trying to let him know everything will be OK. He licks his lips, which causes your eyes to look down at them, your mind short-circuiting as your face heats up. He clears his throat, and adjusts his goggles.

"Thank you. You have shown me kindness, even though I was the one to invade your space." You smile a little brighter as you say, "Don't worry about that. I'm happy to help." You squeeze his hand and get up, walking toward your room. You turn around at the door, looking over at Tech looking over the tablet.

"Good night Tech."

Tech turns his head to look at you. "Good night."

You turn back and close the door, leaving it open a crack. You quickly go through your bedtime routine and shut off the light, crawl into bed and stare up at the ceiling. A part of you is tired, but your brain is buzzing. Your tiredness wins, as you fall asleep, strangely at ease with Tech is your apartment.

Tech turned back to the tablet, reading over the Aurebesh alphabet. It was fascinating that this universe had this information. He placed his helmet on and took his datapad out to begin translating. He poured over the image, memorizing the English alphabet. He pulled up that other page and began to decipher what it said. He had never heard of a planet called Earth before, and it was intriguing.

As he absorbed the Wikipedia article, his attention was drawn to the soft snores coming from the bedroom. You had been patient with him, after the initial scare of finding a stranger in your home. You even seemed to understand that he may not want to sleep, giving him something to occupy his curiosity.

He was intrigued by you. You lived alone, it seemed. You had a job to go to. He wondered if you had family, and friends. It seemed so, judging by the pictures on your wall. You took the time, even though you were tired, to make sure he was taken care of and had something to occupy himself with. He was happy for the distraction, as he wasn't sure he wanted to analyze the events that transpired before he jumped universes.

The fact that you showed him empathy for what he just went through, knowing that his decision to sacrifice himself for his family went awry. Your kindness was something that drew him to you, and he appreciated it while he found his footing here.

He continued reading through the article on earth, finishing that within an hour. He typed in the search bar 'Star Wars' and read that article, finding it fascinating. He continued searching through 'Clone Force 99', which took him to an article on 'clone troopers'.

Before he knew it, he could hear birds chirping outside and heard an alarm going off. He hears you groan as you turn it off and roll over. Moments later, it goes off again and you turn it off again. This happens several more times before you whine and he hears you get up.

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