chapter 20

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Long hours we fought. The front gate almost breached. We tried to reinforce it, but it was barely held up right. Urak Hai banging on our door step. With the wall destroyed and our front gate nearly destroyed, all hope was beinging to fade.

"Fall back!" Theoden-king calls out "Pull them back," He repeats and with a worried glance between the front gate and the king, we started running back, into the keep where it was the last safe place of Helm Deeps.

My breathing was heavy as we piled into the great hall, and in Aragorn, Legolas, and many guards started tearing down furniture, placing it in front of the door as a barricade.

"The fortress is taken. It is over," Theoden says as he heaves out a sigh. "I failed my people," he says and I take a step forward, a look of empathy on my face.

"The fight is not over, my king," I say and place a hand on his armored shoulder.

"What are we to do, we are holed up in this keep like hobbits in their hole, there are only few of us," Theoden argues and I tilt my head at him. Aragorn steps forward, placing him between Theoden and I, his voice raised as if implementing his point.

"You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it! They still defend it! They have died defending it!" He reminds the king and he averts gaze from Aragorn. "Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?" Aragorn further questions the king.

No reply.

"Is there no other way?" Aragorn repeats, but instead Gamling, the kings guard speaks up.

"There is one passage. It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far. The Uruk-hai are too many," He tells us and my heart aches. To think the helpless women and children cold, afraid, and having no idea whether they will make it out alive.

"Send word for the women and children to make for the mountain pass. And barricade the entrance," Aragorn tells Gamling and he nods his head and breaks away from the group alongside some other guards.

"So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?" Theoden now speaks up and my ears perk up from hearing the king come out from his deep thoughts.

There was a moment of silence, just the sound of the thumping and growls of the Urak Hai trying to break in, and when I saw a light glitter in Aragorns eyes, I knew he had come up with something.

"Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them," Aragorn offers the king, and a new sense of hope flashes over Theoden's eyes.
"For death and glory," Theoden cooes and we all stand straight as we face him.

"For Rohan. For your people," I step up and offer and Theoden nods his head at me. "The sun is rising, look," I say when I notice a beam of light shine from the small window carved into the stone. Just the other day Gandalf had said to look for him at first lilght after the fight commenced, it was now or never.
"Yes. Yes! The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep one last time!" Theoden says in a cheerful manner before pacing the room slightly, looking us all in the eyes.

Gimli exclaims before running off towards the tower, where the horn sat, the horn that would alert all in the valley of our incoming.

"Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath! Now for ruin! And a red dawn!" Theoden yells out raising his sword as a guard brings him his horse. Another guard brings our horses, surprised to see Arod in the group after last I saw him he ran off. I was pleased to see the stallion alive and well, even during such dark times.

Aragorn offered me a hand after he mounts Arod, and I'm quick to mount behind him on the horse, grabbing my sword from its sheath and giving Aragorn a quick squeeze around his waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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