chapter 1

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The Fellowship of the Ring

"My lord Elrond! You have summoned me," I speak out as I approach the grand porch looking out upon the beautiful place I have called home for the past two years, the Hidden Valley, home of the elves. At the railing stood the legendary elf lord, Elrond.

"Ah, Tamé, my dear, thanks for making haste," He responds as I dip my head in his presense, my bright blond hair falling around my face before picking up my head, moving my long locks behind my pointed ears.

"Of course, anything for you," I reply, placing my hands together in front of me. "What is it you need of me?"

Lord Elrond nodded before his face turned serious, his mouth frowning.

"Aragorn has been missing, no sign of him for the last few weeks, you must track him and return to Rivendell with him, there is a meeting to be held here in one weeks time. Bring him to me and I might consider you for this counsel meeting, Tamé," Elrond instructs and my face lights up with excitement.

It's not likely of Elrond to ask of me to leave the hidden valley. I was a vessel of mystery, and he'd hate for the outside world to be exposed to me. Or rather the outside world to know of my existence.

Since arriving to Rivendell, I had no memories, no name, nothing but a sword to my body. The knowledge of all five mighty wizards combined, the willpower of an entire Dwarven army, the elegance of the Sindarian elves, and the personality of men together in a girl who couldn't say how she ended up on the banks of Rivendell.

Lord Elrond was stumped ever since we met. He offered his mentorship, thinking I knew nothing of this world, but in fact new everything, but my name.

He gave me the name Tamé before agreeing to let me stay in Rivendell, mainly to study me, teach me his ways as an elf, and in times of need carry out his tasks he needed down. Call me a servant, but deep down Lord Elrond treated me no less than if I was his own child. Much like his own daughter, Arwen, he treated me with the same mannerisms and respect for her to me.

Having no clue if I had family of my own, it was nice having Lord Elrond, Arwen, the other elves of Rivendell, and even the ranger of the North, Aragorn, at my side these last couple years.

"As you wish, I will pack and fetch my stead, and head west, Aragorn has told me before he departed a few weeks back he would be heading close to the borders of the Shire," I say and bow my head again.

"You have a weeks time, Tamé, do not fail me, my love," Lord Elrond replies with dipping his head back towards me before I slip away with a hop in my step.

I hurry to my room which I shared with Arwen, who has become more of a sister to me than anything. I was surprised to see her resting on her cot. She propped her head up and then leaned on her elbow.

"Where are you off to in such a rush," She questions me and I glance her way briefly before throwing some personal belongings into my pack, some food, as well as some herbs just in case.

"I am to track someone, there is a meeting being held in one weeks time," I began explaining and Arwen scoffs.

"Is this someone, Aragorn?" She questions. My body stiffens.

"I know its a touchy subject for you, so I did not bother bringing his name up," I recoil and refuse to face her.

Arwen and Aragorn were lovers for a few years before I arrived in Rivendell. They had just broken things off shortly before I showed up and I feel as though Aragorn purposely avoids coming home to Rivendell to avoid seeing his previous lover. If anything what has been letting him return was me. It was him after all who found my unconscious body up on the banks of the river here in the hidden valley. If it weren't for him and saving me that one fateful day and befriending me so quickly, I wouldn't be the one to be tracking him.

"Tamé, we have been long over, I'm over him. Such feelings for him are diminished, and I sail to Valinor with my kin soon," Arwen confesses. I had feared her ention of this event. The day she and Lord Elrond would sale to the undying lands, the land of Valinor which all eves originated from. Despite being an elf myself I always refused the jaunt because I'm only just starting to get a handle of this new life, sailing to the undying lands would seem as though I am giving up on myself.

"Keep that day as far from my mind, nin mellon," I refute and Arwen sighs before I hear her pick herself up from her bed.

"Once you have figured yourself out, Tamé, you can join me in Valinor and live out our lives, if its years to come, so be it," Arwen says and I feel her soft hand at my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. I could almost feel tears brimming my eyes but I quickly blink them away before turning on my heel towards the door.

"I should be off. I can't waste any time. Wish me luck, Arwen," I say, dismissing her previous statement and Arwen smiles softly, waving goodbye without another word.

Making my way to the stables, I set off on my stead, Idril. A beautiful brindle coated horse, strong and fast much like its rider. With my bow strapped around my chest, my swords at my hip, I rode off with speed, no other goodbyes spoken as I rode past the gates of Rivendell, beyond the hidden valley in the vast fields onwards to the West, in hopes I would find the strangler of a ranger, Aragorn.

I felt the breeze in my golden hair, the breeze catching my cloak, it blowing in the wind behind me. I did not wear anything heavy, such as armor. I wore a simple elven gown, a red colored dress with gold string embellishments, nothing crazy. I was not to be gone for long so armor would just weigh me down. Anyways, elven attire isn't really my style, but I wear it out of respect. I'd much rather wear a nice pair of breeches and a loose linen shirt. That way my skin can breath without the strings of a corset causing me to lose my ability to breath.

A days ride has past, I did not stop, not even for food or rest. I was set on my mission, but also letting in the unfamiliar sights of mountains and vast fields of grass astonish my eyes. Smelling the beginnings of rain in the air, the smell of the earth as Idril set hoof to grass with every strong step. The sound of birds chirping and the leaves of trees shuffling in the wind. I don't get to venture often so these small quests were always nice. Most of the time I would step out of Rivendell to merely track down Aragorn, and here I am again doing exactly that.

Eventually another day has passed, now I have grown more tired. It was night fall, and on this particular night it felt more distant and dark then before. There was something out there, something that felt uneasy in my stomach.

I stopped Idril to a slow pace, slowly making my way through the dense forest just east of the small town of Bree, which was also just east of the Shire town Hobbiton. Home to the little rascals of people who were the size of human children, but were charming and warm hearted, a good species for sure.

But soon distant screams were heard and my alert eyes shot in the direction of the sound. Quickly, I signaled Idril to head in that direction, as I saw a slightest flame flicker between the trees.

I drew my bow quietly, in case if there was any danger and much to my surprise, as I broke through some brush, I saw four hobbits and a tall hooded figure, sword and torch in hand as he headed towards one of the hobbits whom laid on the ground looking almost lifeless.

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