chapter 16

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It was bright. Too bright. We all stood on edge but in awe at the immense power, my hands fell to fists, the velvet material daring to exit my skin. But was I ready to show my true power to the others. I don't think its time.

"You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits," a strong voice speaks out from the light, as if reading our minds.

"Where are they?" Our leader speaks up, daring to take a step forward.

"They passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?" The wizard asks and Aragorn snarls before lashing out.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" He demands and with that, shielding our eyes was no longer needed as the wizard retracted his light, and to our dismay and surprise, it was a familiar face we were met with.

Dressed in white, his hair once grey now a shimmering pearlescent white. Almost falling to my knees I dipped my head to the White Wizard, whom we did not expect, Legolas and Gimli followed suit.

If my eyes decieve me, if this is a dream, Aragorn spoke my mind, "It cannot be. You fell," He says in awe.

The wizard nods gripping his staff in his hands.

"Through fire and water. From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak, I fought with the Balrog of Morgoth," he explained and I returned y gaze onto the old man, my eyes wide but happiness now met my face as I smiled. He went on to continue what had happened, saying his time was not over, but overcoming his true enemy is what earned him his new robes.

"Gandalf," I say before running up to him, embracing him tightly, and he seemed almost as in shock as I when I embraced him. I felt one of his hands wrap firmly around my back.

"Yes, Gandalf, that is what you called me," He says when I pull away, smiling as I felt tears brimming the rims of my eyes. "Gandalf the Grey," He mentions and I nod before stepping back in line with the others, my hand brushing Aragorns as I felt his fingers tighten around mine in a reassuring manner.

"I am Gandalf, Gandalf the White," Gandalf reintroduces himself, switching his staff to the other hand as we all look upon our old friend with a new hope in our hearts.

After gathering ourselves, we headed off out of the forest, Gandalf now leading us, just as he was originally set to do all the months ago.

"One stage of your journey is over, another begins. War has come to Rohan. We must ride to Edoras with all speed," Gandalf says as we break the forest.

"What of Sam and Frodo," I ask Gandalf and he shakes his head.

"They are on their own path, we have our own now," Gandalf replies to me and I sigh. When we reach the middle of the grasslands, a strong powerful whistle escapes Gandalfs lips, and it surprised me to see it had summoned a beautiful white stallion galloping our way.

"That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell," Legolas says as the horse aproaches Gandalf. My hands on the reins of my horse I watch in awe as Gandalf greets the stead.

"Shadowfax," Gandalf speaks of the name of the horse. Their black orbs sparkle and I smile between the horse and Gandalf. "He's the lord of all horses and he's been my friend through many dangers," Gandalf adds, petting the horses snout before getting on top the horse. Bowing my head, I reach out a hand towards the horse, and Shadowfax reluctantly sniffs my hand before sloppily licking my hand out of kindness. A welcoming of sorts.

"To Edoras, we must ride with haste," Gandalf reiterates as we mount our horses, Aragorn this time at the reins and with optimal speed, we rode fast across the plains, our company once of 10, now only 5 ride towards a new adventure.

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