chapter 13

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Our boats sailed on the river Anduin, southward and the further downstream the less green trees we saw. We saw brown and decay the closer towards Mordor we reached, the closer we reached darkness.

We were separated between three boats, and I sailed with Boromir and Merry, Frodo and Sam was with Aragorn, and Legolas and Gimli was with Pippin. We sailed all day, Boromir and I taking turns rowing the boat every now and then. The ride was silent and when I had a break I was off looking at the dark world around me.

Flocks of birds and grey clouds flew over head, more and more trees would show less and less leaves, and the color of the water below faded to a dark blue rather than it's clear blue.

Any chance I could get I glanced at Aragorn, seeing him row his boat without stopping, having small talk between Sam and Frodo, noticing a smile on his face when he spoke to the hobbits. I'd notice he would return my gaze too, and he'd give me a knowing look. A look that caused butterflies to flutter in my belly.

When it was my turn again to row, Boromir and I switched places, Boromir always aiding me to my seat so I don't fall, he always tried his best to get a good impression out of me, but since that night with Frodo and Galadriel, I have yet to believe this man was for good intentions.

"Tell me about your stay in Rivendell, Tame, we haven't had the chance to talk as of lately," Boromir speaks up, facing me in the boat, an elbow resting on his knee.

I heaved a sigh as I rowed, blowing a piece of hair out of my face.

Random conversation starter but it's better than nothing, actually I'd much rather want nothing.

"Well, I mainly kept to myself unless I had a session with Lord Elrond. I read books and scrolls, wrote literature in many languages, and practiced with my weapons in the courtyard," I began which began a spiral of reminiscing. I sort of missed Rivendell. It has been a few months, but I feel home sick, Rivendell was my home for as long as I can remember.

"What languages do you speak?" Boromir asked seeming the most intrigued by that. He already knew I read and knows I'm a skilled fighter. He knows I speak the elven languages, but there are more than just that and common speech.

I smirked and replied in Khuzdul, the language of the dwarves, "you see there are many languages I speak. I do not know how I have come to know so many but it has a great dealing with my past," I begin and Boromir stares at me in confusion but he seemed impressed.

Next I spoke in elven tongue, which he is more familiar with, but I knew he wasn't fluent.

"Naturally I would know Sindarian and Quenyan, the two primary languages of the Elves, but there are even more dialects to them than the two, of which I can speak," I continued on and now I had caught the attention of Merry who had a grand smile on his face. He was simply impressed with my linguistic ability and it made a smile of my own grow on my face.

"And obviously theres the common tongue of which you understand best," I say and dip my head to Boromir who nods in acknowledgment. "I can also read Hobbitish, though I dare have the patience to speak it," I say and now my eyes averted to Merry who seemed in awe, his jaw hanging.

"That is quite the ability, Tame," Boromir speaks and I nod in agreement, but I bite my lip, fighting the urge to mention the last of the languages I know fluently. "What holds your tongue?" Boromir asks me as if knowing my predicament. Aragorn was right when he said I'm an open book.

I sighed and looked off towards the others briefly before returning my gaze to Boromir and Merry, and finally saying, "I can speak Black Speech, the language of the Orcs of Mordor," I finally admit and Boromir gasps softly and Merry tilts his head, he seemed confused.

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