chapter 4

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"Though, I do not know the way," Frodo's innocent voice broke the crowd to silence. I first sensed Gandalf's uneasiness from the hobbits decision. Everyone had seemed to found their spot back in their seat, some looking uneasy while others looked to the hobbit with adoration.

"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear," Gandalf steps forward and pats his friends shoulder. My heart feels war to know Frodo won't go on his own.

Then I was surprised by the next to offer his help. Aragorn.
"If, by my life or death, I can protect you, I will," He kneels before the hobbit and then says, "you have my sword. Now I felt conflicted. Whether I go or not. If Aragorn goes I feel obligated to follow. Who knows how long they'll be gone for. I' use to Aragorn leaving for long periods of time, but if he leaves for good, no certainty he'll survive, I'll have no one. No one understands me for who I am unlike Aragorn. I'll feel lost without him somewhere in my life. After all he was my first friend I made since I arrived in RivenDell.

Still deep in y own thoughts, other rose to join Frodo.

"And you have my bow." Legolas.

"And my axe." Gimli.

Then came Boromir, who hesitantly glanced at Aragorn before residing his gaze upon the hobbit.

"You carry the fate of us all, little one," he pauses and turns to Lord Elrond, giving him a just nod. "If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done."

Frodo stares amongst his new group of companions, real fighters of middle earth, but it still felt incomplete, and as if on queue, out pops the three hobbits, Frodo's friends from the shire. They join the party and now I was more than certain.

I stand and I notice a look of disapproval on Lord Elrond's face but I ignore him and turn to face the group, my eyes lingering on Aragorn who shakes his head, wanting of me to not make the decision I was about to make, for me to stay and continue my studies here in Rivendell, I could read him like an open book. I turn to Frodo and give him a hopeful smile.

"And you have my strength, Master Frodo Baggins," I say and bow my head to him, a hand over my heart.

Before I knew it I felt Lord Elrond's voice in my head, not for the council to hear, simply me. I turn to him slowly and he looks saddened.

"I do not wish upon you to join, its too dangerous, you're not ready yet, Tamé. This is not your burden to bare," Lord Elrond reasons with me but I shake my head, not speaking to him in my head but for all to hear.

"My lord, I respect your words, but you cannot make decisions for me no more. I am my own elf, I have a mind of my own. You wouldn't have invited me to this council if you did not have faith in me, in us," I began and gesture to the group behind me. "I have made my decision, and there is not a will in this world to change it," I finish and find my place between Legolas and Boromir.

Elrond looks amongst us, accepting my words and accepting of the group we have formed for Frodo. "Ten companions, so be it," Lord Elrond began and nods at us. Raising his arms, he gestures and says, "You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring."

The declaration made me feel proud. I felt as though I now have a purpose, and that purpose would be to journey across lands familiar yet so blindly unfamiliar to me to throw a ring into fire.

A few hours past, the sun had set and I was in my room packing my pack, my new green cloak and its shiny embellishment of a pin closing it around my neck. Hiding my light leather armor and sliding my velvet blue gloves over my hands. A gift fro Lord Elrond way back. They made me feel secure, a reminder of my home of two years.

Arwen stood at our balcony, quietly watching me as I packed. As I finished, she stepped forward, catching my face in her hands.

"You ought to be careful, mellon nin," She starts and I smile at the beautiful elf. "The lands of Mordor are dark and dangerous. I'd hate to see you fall," She says before pulling me into a hug. I reluctantly hug her back, breathing in her rosy scent and feeling her soft black hair tickle my ears.

"I will. I assure you, Arwen. I dare take my last breath before finding out my real history, my story," I reassure her and she nods bringing her forehead to mine. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath before pulling away. I knew this was probably the last I'd see my friend, my sister, before she sails to the Undying Lands of Valinor. Uncertain of my return I fear this is my last goodbye.

"As a token of our friendship, I give you this," Arwen says after bringing a beautiful necklace off from around her neck, the glittering silver necklace she then placed in my hand before forcing my hand closed around it.

"There has never been a day I saw you without this necklace, I can't take it from you," I refuse and dare to hold it close to me. She shakes her head, wiping a single tear from her icy blue eyes before pushing my hand close to my heart.

"It's a gift, wear it to honor those you love," She coos and I finally accept it. I certainly have a love for Arwen, a sisterly love, and of course a love for those who have guided me thus far. I place it over my own head letting it rest at my chest from under my cloak. Arwen looked satisfied and returned to the balcony. "Forget me not, for there is always a home for you in the Undying lands," She reminds me, bidding me her last goodbye, before I exited our room.

I met up with the rest of the group just outside of Rivendell near the entry gate.But before I made it to the clearing, something grabs me harshly and tugs me behind a tree. Holding me in place at my arms, I looked up in confusion to see Aragorn with a look of dismay.

"You are the craziest women I have ever met, Tamé," He began and I scoffed at his words. Pushing away from his hold, I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why thank you," I say snarkily and smirk at him and I could tell he mentally face palmed. "regardless, Aragorn, I am more than capable. I'm strong willed, you know this, you can barely beat me in hand to hand combat," I remind him with a hand over the hilt of my sword at my hip.

He grunts and rubs the back of his head. He was still uncertain. "It's not that I doubt you're fighting skills, I doubt this," he says as he takes a finger and taps my temple, his single touch causing my whole soul to shiver. "You're not there yet up there," He says and I shrug.

"This quest," I began and placed both hands at my hips, "could help me better understand this world, better understand me, this you must grant me," I ask of him, almost pleading with him.

A look of worry crosses his face before it settles to one of sincerity.

"I will aide you in this conquest then, mellon nin," He assures me and a bright smile I showed him, before subconsciously going into for a hug. He's not a touchy feely person so this hug I could tell made him tense, but as I wrapped my arms around his strong frame, I felt him eventually soften to my touch and returned the hug with a light squeeze. I felt my face grow warm but got it under control before we stepped away.

"We must go now, the others would be waiting for us," I say and turn on my heel quickly to make for the rest of the group. Leaving Aragorn standing in shock but also admiration towards his selfless elvish friend.

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