chapter 19

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It was a mere few hours until sun down. Already armored and peering out over the horizon, a line of smoke and the humming of marching heading our way became louder every minute. A slight breeze running through my hair as I held the hilt of my sword tightly.

My brow stiff as I watched the enemy near us, as the sun began to set behind the hills and mountains of Rohan.

Soon, soldiers, young boys and men of all ages, Rohan guards alike started filling the wall balconies, readying themselves for the incoming battle.

"What troubles your mind, meleth nin," I hear Aragorn approach, his armor clinking as he walked up to me, meeting my side. His arm brushes against my armored shoulder and I breath in a sigh.

"I fear for the safety of Rohan, this keep is old, very old," I say and place a hand on the cold stone that shaped the keep. "Theoden-king is stubborn, and his stubbornness may blind him," I add and Aragorn nods.

"He is doing what he thinks is best for his people, his country, that much I can respect," Aragorn replies and I sigh again, before turning on my heel and facing Aragorn fully. Hius hair down in a messy fashion with a leather vest over heavy chainmail. I too wore a leather tunic over chainmail, along with my plated pauldrons.

"I have high respect for him as well, I cannot deny that, but," I pause and look out at the horizon again. "I have a feeling we will not win this fight," I say and I then felt Aragorns gloved hand grab my chin and gently turn my face towards him.

"Even if this fight does not end in our favor, I will do everything in my power to protect you and who is left of our company, we will live to see the end of Saurons rein, I assure you," He says, his face coming near mine. This fingers gently lifting my head to him.

"I will not leave your side," I say in a whisper, placing a hand at his chest. "I've got your back, as you do mine," I add and Aragorn nods before gently leaning in and place a chaste kiss on my lips. A kiss so tender and soft that it was almost sorrowful. Was that the last bit of affection I'd get from Aragorn, I have yet to know for sure.

Interrupting us, a loud horn blew and it caught both of us off guard. A horn I was fairly familiar with and my ears perked in anticipation as Aragorn looks me in the eyes.

"Thats no orc horn," He says and I nod my head, as we quickly hurry down the stone steps down to the front gate. There the king, Legolas and Gimli had gathered already as the gate slowly opens and inside enters the Lothlorien Elves, and at their head, was Haldir.

"How is this possible?" Theoden questions the elf and Haldir dips his head, meeting all of our eyes before responding.

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together," Haldir exlains and my mouth escapes into a smile at the mention of my past mentor. It has been a long while since I've last thought of him, it warmed my heart to know he was still looking out for us. "We come to honor that allegiance," Haldir adds as he eyes each of us with a smirk.

Bowing slightly, out of disbelief but also ecstatic, Aragorn then reaches forward and boldly embraces the elf, whom hesitated at Aragorns rash action but ultimately hugged him back. I clasp my fingers over my lips as I smile.

"Thank Valor," I say as I closed my eyes and dipped my head slightly.  "We are saved," I mumble and breath out a relieved sigh.

Legolas then goes to clasp Haldir's shoulder, greeting his elf friend

"We are proud to fight alongside men, once more," Haldir says now towards Theoden and the two clasp arms, locking eyes before turning to us.

Thus we gathered a top the walls of Helms Deep, situating myself next to Legolas, Gimli at his other side. A bow and arrow at the ready, as that would be our first plan attack against the orcs. Aragorn stood but just a few elves down from me, towards the middle of our army, close enough to see, but farther away than I had hoped.

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