Chapter 19

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'So you finally did it huh?' Saffron asked Lewis as she held the phone between her shoulder and face as she breastfed her baby.

'Yeah I finally decided to make the career move' Lewis chuckled.

'You really think that towards the end of the season was the right time to do that?' She laughed.

'Yeah I think so. Better to get it out now than at the end of the season' he said shrugging.

She smiled down at Ced 'I mean end of season isn't that far away. are you happy you're leaving merc? I mean you've been with them for so long' she chuckled.

'Yeah I think it's what's best you know. Car hasn't been performing as well as I'd hoped and you know driving for Ferrari is pretty iconic' he shrugged.

'I suppose you make a good point' she said tossing it up in her mind 'but where does that leave Carlos?' She asked.

'What do you care?' Lewis questioned.

'Well I'm just curious where everyone is going. I mean almost everyone's contracts expire like next year so' she said.

'I'm not sure' he said curiously 'and neither should you' he said 'you don't need to worry about him. He's a big boy. He'll figure it out' he said.

'I know I know. It's just that you know I'm interested to see where people go' she said defensively.

'Yeah yeah' he said laughing.

'Have you told Charlie yet?' She asked 'I suppose he probably already knows'

'Yeah I texted him just before I called you'

'You told him before me?' Saffron said pretending to be hurt.

'You already knew about' Lewis laughed.

'Yeah I know' she said giggling 'hey are you still coming over next weekend?' She asked.

'Yeah of course' he said almost offended.

'Great I'm so excited to hang out with another adult' she said laughing trying to hide the fact that she was not joking.

'Max looking after Ced?' He asked.

'Yeah' she said 'we've been doing bottle and breast feeding so hopefully he won't have too much difficulty' Saffron said 'alright I gotta go. Gotta change a nappy and then put Ced down for a nap' she said sighing.

'Okay babe. I'll text you. Love you' Lewis said.

'Love you too' Saffron said before hanging up.

She smiled down at her cooing baby trying to keep him happy as she got organised to change his nappy. He hated having his nappy changed. Safron assumed it was because he had to be on his back which he hated. He always wanted to be upright and in the conversation with everyone. She already knew he was going to be a handful when he was able to start walking.

As she lay him down the waterworks started and so did the screaming. She had learned to block this out. She had been to the doctor about it and they assured her nothing was wrong. She spoke to a few other mums about it from play group and they too assured her nothing was wrong, just a little Bub who didn't want to miss out on any of the action.

She had learned to become quite speedy at the nappy changes and most of the time before Ced could squeeze out a tear she would have his bum changed. She knew it was all for dramatics because he never actually cried a tear and even if he did it was a forced one because as soon as she sat him up right he was happy as Larry. She had learned to also change him upright as well leaning him on her chest to put his pants on. She didn't want to but at least it beats having a screaming child.

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