Chapter 17

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'Max?' Saffron called out from the bathroom as she massaged her face with moisturiser.

No answer.

She sighed 'MAX?' She called out.

No answer again.

She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped the sink, her knuckles turning white. She took a breath before wandering out of the bedroom and down to Cedric's room. She grabbed the grumbling baby and hushed him wandering over to the change table to check his nappy. She quickly changed him before seeing if he was hungry. He pushed her boobs away and she lay him on her chest so that he could hear her calm heart beat. She sat down in the reclining rocking chair in the corner of the room and started to pat his bum to get him to settle. She closed her eyes rocking back and forth quietly humming to the grumbling baby.

Max had finished up on the sim and was putting his head phones away. He closed out the livestream and shut down his game before wandering back down the hallway to the bedroom. as he wandered past he went to go check on Cedric. He wandered into his bedroom quietly and was met with his wife soothing their child in the corner. He snapped up a photo and smiled looking down before his wife slowly opened her eyes. She looked over at him and didn't really acknowledge his presence.

She checked Ced and noticed he was asleep and gently pulled herself up off the chair and laid him down in his cot. She smiled down at him pushing some of his hair out of his face. She then turned back to the door and wandered out pushing herself past Max. Max confused, pulled Cedric's door closed and quickly followed after Saffron down the hallway into their bedroom.

'Hey' he said grabbing her arm and forcing her to turn around 'Whats wrong?' He asked.

She sighed grabbing her arm and crossing them over her chest 'You did it again' She said.

'Did what?'

She rolled her eyes 'You weren't listening and didn't help with Ced' She said.

'When did you need help?' He asked.

'Exactly' She said before returning to the bathroom to finish her makeup.

Max huffed 'When did you need help?'

'About 30 minutes ago' She said blotting the foundation on her face.

'I was on the sim' He said pointing down the hall.

'I don't care' She said sighing 'Look I don't want to argue so let's just drop it' She said staring at him through the mirror in the bathroom.

He put his hands up and wandered back into the bedroom sitting on the bed going on his phone. She rolled her eyes at him before going back to do her makeup. As she finished up she wandered over to her wardrobe and picked out an outfit that would be accessible for her to breastfeed in. She decided on her overall's with a crop top and heels. As she grabbed her outfit she turned to Max 'Can you please go get Ced's stuff together and pack the car?' She asked.

'In a minute' He said tapping away on his phone.

'Max' She pleaded.

'I said in a minute Saf' He said looking annoyed.

She let it go quickly changing and slipping on her shoes. She packed her bag and then wandered down the hall to the garage where she packed the pram into the boot. She grabbed the baby bag from the kitchen table and went through what was in it. She re-filled the nappies, spare clothes, snacks and baby wipes before packing it away in the car. She looked down at her watch, Cedric would be awake soon, she then needed to feed then she could put him in the car and they could leave for lunch. Hopefully he would fall asleep in the car and would continue to sleep into the afternoon so they could enjoy lunch. As she was calculating to herself Max wandered out into the kitchen.

Sunday Daydreams Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt