Chapter 15

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'He started opening his eyes a little more' saffron said smiling down at the baby.

'Let me see let me see' Max said desperate for Saffron to turn the camera to the baby.

She rolled her eyes and pointed the camera down at the baby.

'So how's Italy?' She asked before allowing Cedric to feed. She lightly pat his bum then looked back at Max who looked like he could cry at any moment.

'I wish you could be here with me. Both of you' he said smiling but she could see in his eyes that he was hurting.

'Well' she said nodding down to the baby.

'I know I know. It's just I can't wait for him to be older so we can all be together' he said smiling.

She smiled 'I just don't think I love the idea of him being out in public' she said avoiding eye contact.

'What do you mean?' He asked laughing confused.

'I just don't love the idea of our son constantly being in the limelight I mean it's bad enough you're his dad' she shrugged.

'What's that supposed to mean?' He asked getting serious.

'I'm just saying I don't want our son to grow up in the media. You're famous as fuck. He's already going to have to deal with that. Let's not make it worse. I want you to respect his privacy like you do with mine'

'So you're saying he can't come to Grand Prix's?'

'No I'm saying he can go to some but I'd prefer we didn't go to all of them and him constantly have cameras shoved in his face. It's bad enough as is'

'His face is already all over social media with the post I made'

'Max one post is fine. I'm just saying the entire world doesn't need to watch our baby grow up'

'Why are you doing this now?' He asked annoyed. 

He was getting frustrated.

'What the hell are you talking about?' She asked sitting up right.

'You started an argument and right before qualifying. Why would you do this to me right now?' He asked.

'You entitled selfish brat are you kidding. You started this. I didn't want it to be an argument but you made it one' Saffron said as anger started to fuel her.

'What did you just call me'

'You fucking heard me Verstappen. How dare you yell at me and make this my fault for having an opinion on how I want to raise our son'

'Don't forgot those words. Our son. He's my son too you know. So I should get a say in how he's raised'

'And where are you now mate? I don't see you raising much here'

Max went silent.

Saffron stared down the camera lens at him.

'You encouraged me to come back here'

'I won't deny that I did but at the end of the day Max it was your choice. You made your bed now fucking lie in it'

'Stop being such a bitch to me'

'Excuse me?'

'I said you're being a bitch. Just because you're hormonal doesn't mean you get to use it against me'

'I literally just had your fucking baby 3 weeks ago. I am in constant pain. I am bleeding out of my vagina. I am wearing a fucking nappy. I haven't been outside in three fucking weeks. Excuse me if I am a teeny bit on edge'

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