Chapter 8

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'FINN' Saffron yelled out across the kitchen 'Stop eating those!' she said batting a biscuit out of his hand.

'You said these were for everyone?' He said with his mouth full.

'Yes' She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose 'I said they were for everyone. That means when everyone arrives. There's no one here' She said looking around the room 'You're still in your pyjama's for god sakes' She said pushing him on the arm.

'I'm going I'm going' He said putting his arms up in protest.

She rolled her eyes and threw the remaining pieces of the cookie in the bin. She proceeded to clean up the rest of the kitchen after her baking episode and plated up the rest of the treats that Max had been so kind enough to have grabbed this morning. She looked over at the clock. It was currently 9am, guests would start to arrive in about two hours she thought. She needed to go get ready otherwise she wouldn't be ready in time.

She wandered back down to the bedroom and opened the curtains in the bedroom. She took the time to stretch for a moment before opening the window and stepping out onto the verandah. She breathed in hoping it would clear the stresses of the day away.

'Mijn liefje?' Max interrupted, peeking his head outside the door frame.

'Huh?' She asked turning around.

'Can I ask where there are so many green apples in the pantry? I mean I do love them but there is a whole box full and I don't know if I can eat that many' He said chuckling.

'Oh' She said smiling 'Dad got them for you this morning at the market' She said turning around leaning on the railing behind her.

'What?' He asked puzzled.

'He saw you eat two of them yesterday one in the morning one in the afternoon. He assumed you must really like them so this morning he went to the markets and bought you some'

Max didn't really say anything.

'It's his way of showing affection' She said smiling 'When my parents first got together, he bought mum a whole tray of mango's because he knew that she loved them. You should feel lucky' She said giggling.

'That is so nice' Max said smiling 'Should I get him something? What does he enjoy?' Max asked.

'Just eat the apples Max' She said laughing shaking her head 'That's how you can say thank you' She said before pushing herself off the railing and wandering back into the bedroom leaving Max to stand there in bewilderment.

He eventually showered and dressed before heading back outside to set up the fairy lights with Finn and Harry. Saffron wore her best outfit that she had specifically bought for this very occasion. As she was finishing up the last of her make-up in the mirror, she heard the doorbell and then a few greetings and multiple feet shuffling through the door. She quickly sprayed herself with some perfume before returning to the mirror to check she looked okay. Happy with her appearance she waddled down the hallway towards the kitchen where her mother was dishing out the rest of the snacks. She wandered outside to see Max introducing his family once more to hers and she smiled at the thought.

'Here is the woman of the hour' Max said smiling at his wife.

'Hello everyone' She smiled waving, kissing and hugging Max's family.

She engaged with Max's sister Victoria discussing how big she was getting, when baby was going to arrive, whether she was worried about Max being there or not. Saffron shook her head and told her she was trying to take it easy for the moment. She didn't need all of those stresses right now. She would cross that bridge when it came to it which earnt a laugh from Victoria who shook her head and praised her for her cool headedness, something of which she thought Max could learn a thing or two from.

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