Chapter 11

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'Alright Mrs. Verstappen how are we doing?' The doctor asked walking into the room and gloving up his hands.

'The pain' she said in between breaths 'it's bad'.

'Okay let me have a feel' he said helping her onto the bed 'okay looks like we are at 3 centimetres. I think what we need to do is help stimulate the cervix and see if we can get you to open up. If this doesn't work within the next couple hours we will need to put you in for a cesarean' He said picking up her hospital file and scribbling something down.

Saffron's eyes widened and she went to say something but no words came out.

'I'll get the stimulant, you stay here. It won't take too long' he said giving her a sympathetic smile.

'I need to call Max' she said grabbing her stomach.

Jos nodded and grabbed his phone and dialled Max's number before handing the phone to Saffron.

'Dad what is it?' Max asked in a panic.

Saffron soothed him on the other end of the line and explained the situation.

'We have a slight problem' Max said as the stressed Dutchman paced the airport.

'What's wrong?' Saffron asked.

'They won't let our plane leave just yet. They said there's delays across the entire airport. I'm trying to do everything I possibly can to get to you' He said and she could sense the panic in his voice.

'I don't know how long I'm going to be in labour for' She said and her face dropped as the doctor returned with a nurse 'I need to go. I'm getting my stimulant. I'll keep you updated' she said before quickly hanging up the phone.

She looked at the doctor who was preparing a rather large needle. She turned to Jos and held out her hand.

'Please' she said softly as tears formed in her eyes.

He looked at her hand and then back at her. He grabbed her hand and held her tightly 'it's going to be okay' he whispered in her ear before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

In that moment, her resentment for Jos faded slightly. She felt safe.

She squeezed his hand tight and shut her eyes turning away so she didn't have to look at what was being done. After a quick procedure they were all done and Saffron was made to sit and wander around the room. The doctor wanted her to move as much as possible to try and help with positioning of the baby. She wandered over to the medicine ball and started to roll closing her eyes and sucking on the gas to soothe the pain.

Meanwhile at the airport Max was having his own issues.

'I'm sorry Mr. Verstappen but no one is permitted to fly to Monaco at this time' the attendant repeated for the third time.

He ran a hand through his hair.

'I need to get to Monaco. My wife is in labour' he said placing both his hands on the desk.

'Look' she said sighing 'I feel for you. I really do. But I can't let you fly to Monaco' she said desperately 'the closest I can get you is to Paris France' she said typing away on her computer.

'That's the closest I can get?' He asked.

'I'm afraid so' She said.

'Please wait here one moment' he said before running over to his mother and Victoria 'they can't fly us to Monaco. I don't know why' he said rubbing his face with his hands.

'So what are we going to do?' Victoria asked.

'They can put me on a flight to Paris. I need to then somehow fly to Monaco after that' he said crossing his arms.

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