Chapter 4

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Saffron had returned home and was exhausted. She wandered down the hallway to the bedroom, kicked off her shoes, shimmied out of her dress and crawled into bed setting an alarm for 2 hours. Hopefully 30 minutes before Max was due home. She rugged up in bed and immediately fell asleep.

Meanwhile Max was on his way to the media pen with his PR officer. Before they stepped foot in the pen she grabbed his arm and yanked him back for a moment 'now Max. I'm sure you know that there are going to be a lot of questions about your wife so please answer properly and suitably and do not get hot headed about anything okay?' She asked begging for his cooperation which made him wonder what kind of questions were going to be asked.

He nodded 'of course. But' he said 'if they said anything horrible about my wife I will go off' he said before turning around.

She face palmed before following him in. He started with one side so he could make his way round the pen and then leave without having to zig zag around a bunch of times.

'Max' the interviewer said leaning in to speak with him 'fantastic race congratulations on another win' he said and Max smiled and thanked him.

'We noticed there was a very special woman joining you in your garage today. Was that your wife?' He asked.

'Yes it was' Max said smiling. Anymore and he would rip his cheeks.

'We received information that she is in fact the ex girlfriend of Carlos Sainz is that true?' He asked pointing the microphone at Max.

He exchanged a look with his PR officer 'no comment' he said with a straight face annoyed by the question.

'We saw your wife was pregnant. Are you excited for the birth of your child?' They asked annoyed he didn't answer their other question.

'Yes I am' he said short and to the point 'look are their going to be any questions about the race or will this just be all personal questions? If so we are done here' he said thanking them for their time before wandering off to the next people.

At the other end of the media pen Carlos was having his own trouble. He had come fifth in the race which was a pretty good and usual result for the Spaniard. Of course there was always talks of him being able to do better and it was of course Ferrari that he was driving for so no surprises if something went wrong or a strategy didn't work. But of course that was not the hottest topic to be speaking to him about.

'Carlos we saw that Max Verstappen's wife made her debut in the Redbull garage today, can you confirm if she is in fact your ex-girlfriend' the interviewer asked.

He too exchanged a look at his PR officer and she shook her head 'no comment' he said.

'Are you angry at Max for stealing your ex girlfriend?' The interviewer pressed.

Carlos was annoyed 'I don't think it's any of your business to be asking questions like that. I want to be asked questions about the race and the team and if we aren't going to be doing those questions then I will quite happily leave' he said as a stern look crossed his face.

They apologised and continued the interview not mentioning Saffron again.

Max arrived later in the evening jamming his key in the door. He was talking out loud to Saffron presuming that she was in the living room. He threw his keys in the bowl near the front door and kicked off his shoes. He turned around and noticed that Saffron was nowhere to be seen. He wandered down the hallway to the bedroom and found her fast asleep. He took a quick picture before sitting next to her. He admired the way her perfectly styled hair was now sticking out in every direction, the fact that her mouth was slightly agape letting out quiet little snores. To him she was perfect.

Sunday Daydreams जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें