Chapter 51

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Maddie's POV:

My birthdays coming up soon, yay! I don't usually do much for my birthday, a lot of the time my dad isn't there so my nanny jo would always try and make it special. I'd wake up to a cupcake with a candle stuck in it and her singing happy birthday. She was basically my second mum, but don't tell her I said that otherwise she'd say that I'm calling her old. I don't see her as much as I did because I went to boarding school, and obviously now I'm living with my mum but she still messages me once in a while to see how I am.

Anyways back to my birthday, mum said that it's a big deal because apparently it means her 'little baby is all grown up'. Seriously, the other night she started crying to me and telling me off for growing up and that I need to stay her little baby forever and ever. Which I guess is sweet? I don't really know, she was also drunk at the time so she was saying a lot of weird shit.

The thing is, I don't want to make a big thing about my birthday. I mean yes I am turning 16 but still. I'm not used to making a big deal about it because whenever my aunt's try to I usually hide away until they eventually give up. I haven't properly celebrated a birthday for years, a lot of the time this was because I missed my mum or it was because I wanted to wait to celebrate it with my dad. But I'm no longer in that position, I live with my mum and hopefully my dad will fulfil his promise and be with me for my birthday.

Dad keeps on asking me what I want as a gift, and apparently unicorn, dog, cat aren't an option. So I'm currently sitting with rose on my laptop trying to figure out what I want. I actually don't really want or need anything and for once I can say that I've got all the things I want. Although I might try and push it for a dog, I've been asking him for years and he just keeps on saying no and that he's allergic which I can guarantee is a lie because I asked Abuela and she said that he's not allergic to anything and that they actually used to have a dog. So he's just been telling me that to get me to stop asking.

 "Maddie, I've already got your present" rose tells me not taking her eyes of her colouring. 

 "You didn't have to get me anything rosie but thank you." She ignores me and just continues colouring.  

Me and rose are home alone whilst mum and Colin go out shopping, although it did take me like 20 minutes to convince mum to let me stay and watch rose. I don't even know why she was so hesitant, it's not like we are going to burning the house down.

I get bored quickly of shopping and put a film on for me and rose to watch. Rose chooses sing which she informs me has mum in. I always knew she could sing because she used to sing to me when I was younger but I never realised how good she was. Her voice is just so calming especially when I was younger and she used to sing nursery rhymes to me.

I must have fallen asleep because I wake to my mum sat in front of me moving hair out of my face.

 "evening baby, you sleep okay?" I nod and close my eyes again.

 "No baby, sleep later okay? We need to go to lizzie's. Remember? We're having dinner there, come on" I shake my head but she pulls me up making me groan.

 "Meanie" I say as she pulls us both up so we're standing.

 "Yep! Now go and get your shoes on" I groan but do as she says. So bossy!

I meet rose and colin at the stairs and rose grabs my hand.

 "You fell asleep to mommy's singing" I smile down at rose and nod.

 "I was tired rosie, still am" she nods. 

 "You can sleep in the car sissy. That's what I do!"

Mum walks in and we all make our way to the car.

I sit in the back with Rosie whilst Colin drives. I surprisingly don't fall asleep and play a game with rose instead. 

We arrive fairly quickly due to the fact that Lizzie doesn't live that far away from us.

Robbie greets us at the door and tells us that Lizzie is in the kitchen. I decide to go and scare her.

 "LIZZIEEEEEEEEEE" She jumps and yells a swear word before turning around to me and glaring.

 "Your not funny Madeline" I smile innocently at her and she just rolls her eyes before pulling me in for a hug.

 "How are you honey?" She asks me once she lets me go. 

"I'm okay liz" she nods and wraps an arm around my shoulder , walking us to where everyone else was.

"Who was shouting?" Robbie asks smirking at me. I point at his wife and she pushes my shoulder.

"I didn't shout" I nod and smile at her.

"No she just screeched" she pushes my shoulder again, giving me a pout.

"Your mean" I nod and move to sit next to my mum. She kisses my head and continues scrolling on her phone.

 "Mum?" I whisper to her making sure Liz doesn't hear. Mum nods and turns to me.

 "Can I stay here tonight? I haven't slept here for ages" mum nods and smiles at me.

 "Of course baby. I'll stay with you too. Rose can spend some time with Colin and I can spend some time with you" she says giving me a big grin.

 "Okay. I'll ask Lizzie later" mum agrees.

Lizzie goes and finishes making dinner in the kitchen and mum joins her. I opt to stay in the living room so I don't burn anything.

 Robbie and rose sit on the floor playing a game whilst me and Colin sit on the couch talking about snl.

 "I could take you one day of you'd like?"

 "Really? "

 "Yeah, I don't see why not plus I'm sure everyone will want to meet you" 

 "Thanks Colin"

We continue talking about our favourite shows and artists and I realise that I've got a lot in common with Colin. We both love the greysverse and love Taylor Swift. Although Colin has been lucky enough to actually meet her.

Mum calls us all to go and eat and we sit around the table enjoying lizzie's stir fry.

I help Liz tidy up and wash the dishes.


 "Maddie" she replies with in the same tone.

 "Can I stay here tonight?" Lizzie.

 "Of course honey. you don't have to ask" 

 "Thank you liz."

We finish cleaning the pots and move to the living room where Colin and rose are getting ready to go and strangely enough so is Robbie.

"I'm going to go and watch the football with Colin" Robbie informs Lizzie.

Rose runs up to me and pulls me to bend down so she whisper something in my ear.

"Mommy's staying here with you so I that means I can stay up late but don't tell mommy" 

"Don't stay up too late rosie, remember you need sleep but I won't snitch don't worry" she nods and hugs me before running up to Colin.

mum gives me a questionable look and then looks back at rose before shrugging and saying goodbye to them.





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