Chapter 13

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Scarlett's POV:

She needed space. That's why I left her room. 

 "I don't know what to do" I tell Colin as I enter our room.

 "What do you mean?" He asks pulling me into his arms. I lay in his chest.

 " Maddie. I don't know what to do. She's my kid but she hates me" I say, tears falling from my eyes.

 "Its because she's thinks you just left her" Colin says kissing my head.

 "I can't tell her Colin. It will break her. I can't ruin that for her and her dad" I say.

 "And what about you and her?" Colin asks.

 I strug my shoulders.

 "I can handle it." I say lying. I can't handle it. I want my baby girl.

 "Scarlett, I know that you think your doing her a favour, but your not. I can tell that she wants you, we all can, the way she looks at you. She wants her mom babe. And I know for a fact you want her. There's always been that missing piece in your life and that's Maddie, she's that missing piece, you both need each other but sadly she must have inherited your stubborness. Colin says.

He's right. I do need Maddie, she's my baby girl, my first born, she's a mini me. Her green eyes that now have a bit of blue in them, her blonde, brunettey hair that she also got from me. She's just what I had wished for and more. She's her own person and I couldn't wish for anything better. I just wish she would talk to me, more then 'yes' and 'no's'.' She,rose and Colin are my whole world.

"I'm gonna go and check on her" I whispered, standing up and leaving for Maddie's room.

She was lying on her bed with her back against me. I could tell she was awake because her phone was next to her head.

 "Baby, I know your awake" I get no response at first but after a few minutes, she turns around and looks at me. Her eyes are red, like she'd just been crying. My baby!

 "How you feeling?" I asked. She strugged .

 "Numb" she whispers.

 "Do you wanna talk about what happened before" I say softly.

 She shakes her head. Of course, she doesn't what to tell you Scarlett, you left her. A voice was saying in my head, I drowned it out.

 "You sure Maddie?  it's okay to panic sometimes," I say.

She nods and smiles slighty.She looks exhausted.

 "I'll let you get some sleep, baby" I say standing up. I hesitate, before kissing Maddie on the head and saying goodnight.

Maddie's POV:

I woke up feeling like shit! Last night was horrible. I let Scarlett in and I can't do that.

I got a FaceTime request from my dad. Finally, he has been in Spain now for a few days.

 "Hi munchkin" dad says as soon as I pick up. 

 "Hola dad" I say 

 "How you feeling?" Dad asks

 " I don't know. This is all new" I say honestly.

 "Yeah, but hopefully it's good. I just want you to get to know Scarlett and rose." He says.

 " you could of told me"

 "As if you would have come if I had told you. You would have ran away to England" I laughed at that because I probably would have too. 

 "Maddie I know this is difficult, but just hear her out." He says.

 I nod, not really listening.

 "Look dad, I got to go, text me yeah?" I say .

 "Bye kiddo, I love you." he says before hanging up. 

I get ready and make my way downstairs. I had to bring my dance bag with me today because i had training today, I had skipped yesterday's and the day before so I really need to go today. It was straight after school.

 "MADELINE" rose shouted as she ran down the stairs, Scarlett following.

 "Sup' Rosie" I joke.

 "I thought you had already left for school without saying goodbye" she said hugging me.

 "Nah don't worry kid, and I was hoping I could get a lift" I said looking up at scarlett who nodded before going to the kitchen.

I didn't want to talk about yesterday, I just needed Scarlett to not mention it.




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