Chapter 42

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Maddie's POV:

We got to the house and we went straight to the kitchen to make dinner. I helped by playing some music and telling Scarlett about my hatred for my Spanish teacher and school.

Rose and Colin aren't going to be here for dinner because Colin's at work and rose is with her dad. So it's just going to be Scarlett, me and my dad. Awkward.

 "This dinner better not be weird" I tell her. She gives me an amused smile.

 "And why would it be weird baby?" I roll my eyes .

 "Because you guys are divorced and dad can go on and on about his stupid work and my stupid dances" shit! I slipped up.

 "Stupid dance?" Ugh.

 " Yeah.. " I mumble. Scarlett pauses the music and walks over to me (I'm currently sat on the counter) and places her hand on my knee.

 "You don't like dance anymore?" I shake my head at her and look away. She pulls my chin back to face her and I can't help but let a tear roll down my face.

 "It's not that I don't like dance. I just don't want to do it competitively or for a team anymore. I can't do it anymore" I say in a whisper. Scarlett pulls me in for a hug and kisses my head.

 "That's totally okay baby. You don't have to do it anymore. Your allowed to take a break" I shake my head and laugh.

 "Yeah, Dad won't agree with me not dancing anymore. He'll kill me" Scarlett holds my hands.

 "Well baby, it's not his choice. It's yours and if you don't want to do it anymore then you don't have too" I nod and give her a small smile. She kissed my forehead before going back to cutting potatoes. 

She presses play on the music and starts dancing around trying to make me feel better. I laugh at her as she spins around.

 "Hey baby. Maybe I should become a dancer. I mean look at me, I'm a natural" she says spinning round faster and faster. She nearly falls over but stops herself by placing her hands on the counter.

 "Your a natural at falling over" I joke. She places a hand to her heart and acts offended. 

 "I think your just jealous because I'm amazing at spinning and that you just can't get to my level" she says and jokingly flips her hair back. I laugh and roll my eyes at her.

 "In your dream Mu... Scarlett" shit! HOPEFULLY she didn't hear that.

 She doesn't say anything but continues to dance. I can't help but laugh at her horrible dancing. She's making me feel better about telling dad. I'll be fine, she'll be there.

 Scarlett places the potatoes in a pan and on the stove before walking towards me and lifting me off the counter and onto the floor.

 "Hey! I was comfy" she just rolls her eyes and places table mats and cutlery in my hand.

 "Go and set the table weirdo" she says kissing my head.

I set the table and Scarlett brings wine glasses and a bottle of wine to the table.

 "No" she says.

 "What?.. I didn't say a word" she just shakes her head and places a can of die coke on the table for me. 

The doorbell rings and Scarlett goes and answers it. That's probably my dad. Shit! Let's just get this over and done with.




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