Chapter 22

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Scarlett's POV:

I froze. I don't know what to say. She right that's the thing. It's not like she's wrong. I did just 'fuck off to America'. I should know that she doesn't like to be called Madeline. I should know that. I'm her mom and I should know that small detail. I don't know what to do. I'm not even angry anymore that she was doing drugs and drinking, I'm more angry at myself. I don't know this stuff.

I hadn't realised that Lizzie had walked in and sat beside me. She went to pick up rose for me and dropped her off at my mom's so I could talk to maddie.

 "What happened Scarlett?" She asks concerned. I told her what happened and how I was feeling, she pulled me into a hug and told me that it wasn't my fault.

Just as I was about to say something Maddie came downstairs, grabbed a water bottle and left to the dance studio downstairs. 

 "I don't know what to do" I whispered. Lizzie wrapped her arms around me.

 "Why don't you try talking to her?" She said. 

 "Saying what?"

 "Anything. Just talk to her she needs her mom" Lizzie says smiling at me. I nod my head. 

I walked downstairs and stood at the door watching Maddie dance. She really knows how to put emotion in the dance. she looked so happy, like dance is her safe place. She saw me through the mirror and slowed her turn down and stopped. She went over to the little lockers and turned the music off. 

 "I just wanted to come check on you and ask if you want any food. Lizzie's making some fries" she nodded and followed me up the stairs, still not saying a word.

 "Maddie" Lizzie squealed hugging her. Maddie smiled and hugged her back.

 "I've missed you weirdo" Liz said letting Maddie sit down and eat.

 "You saw me yesterday woman" Maddie said. Lizzie just rolled her eyes and sat beside her.

 "These chips are good" Maddie said.

 "Fries" Lizzie argued.



 "Okay, okay children let's agree to disagree" I laughed breaking there argument. 

Maddie didn't look at me and just stared at her fries instead before standing up and saying she was going to bed. I said goodnight and Lizzie said she was going to take her to which Maddie laughed and said that she was not 5 however Lizzie was having none of it.

 "It takes time Scarlett" she said before following Maddie up the stairs. She's right it does take time but I don't have much time and if I'm honest I don't even know how to have that conversion with Maddie .




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