Chapter 43

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Scarlett's POV:

We all sit at the table and start eating the food. Matthew makes small talk with Maddie but I can tell that it's a little awkward. 

 "So when is your next competition?" He asks her. Maddie's face drops slightly but she quickly hides it.

 "About that dad, I've been meaning to talk to you" he stops eating and stares at her telling her to continue.

 "I've been thinking and I think I'm going to take a break from competitions and dance team" Matthew just stares at her.

 "Where is this all coming from? How come?" 

 "I've been wanting to take a break for a while, I just haven't told you." 

 "How long for?" Maddie glances at me before looking back at him. 

"I don't know dad. It might be permanent"

 "What? Absolutely not. I dont understand where this is all coming from"

 "Dad it's not really your choice. Your not the one training and your also not the one getting up on stage" Maddie mumbles.

 "Yes but I am the one paying. You can't just say you want to stop and then want to go back" 

 "I'm not going back, okay?"

 "Yes but you have in the past"

I can see that Maddie suddenly get's really irritated at that comment.

 "I didn't have a choice on that break" Huh? Why wouldn't she have a choice?

 "We're not talking about that. Were talking about the fact that your just up and quitting dance because you don't want to do it anymore. There's a lot of things in this world that you won't want to do but guess what muchacho, you have to do it anyway" Maddie rolls her eyes and sighs.

 "Yeah. I know. 'that's not how the world works Maddie' and yes we are talking about that, you brought it up so yes we are" 

 "No we are not Madeline"

 "Yes we are. you brought it up" 

 "Okay go on then talk about it. Explain to your mother how you feel about that situation and what happened." I look at Maddie for any sign telling me what the hell is going on but all I see is panic and fear in her eyes.

 "Fuck you" she says before leaving the table.

I turn to Matthew who just finished his drink before standing up.

 "Fun talk" he says before leaving.

What the hell just happened?

Maddie's POV:

I can't believe him. I don't get why me stopping dance is such a bit deal. And why would he bring that up when there was no need? What does Scarlett think? She's probably going to ask me what happened, what he was talking about. No, no I can't do this. I need to get out of here.

I quickly grab my headphones and then walk downstairs. Scarlett must be in the kitchen. I quickly open the front door and run out before she notices. 

I knock on Max's door like three times until he answers.

 "What do you want?" He asks me confused as to why I'm at his house.

 "I need to clear my head" he nods knowingly. I follow him to his room and he passes me a bottle of whatever alcohol it was, i don't really check because I'm too busy chugging it. 

 "Woah Madeline, slow down" I ignore him and walk back downstairs and out the front door. He follows me and sits on the curb with me.

 "Don't ask me questions max" I tell him. I walk away from him. I don't know where I'm going but I know that it's not Scarlett's house.

Changes. (Scarlett Johansson x daughter story)Where stories live. Discover now