Chapter 45

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Scarlett's POV:

I feel like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders now that I have told Maddie. I couldn't bear hearing her blaming herself because it just wasn't true. It was never Maddie's fault and I hate her dad even more for making it seem that way.

She's currently sleeping in my arms. I'm glad and happy that I told her. I'm even happier because she's started to call me mom.




Lizard 😘: I'm so happy for you Scarlett! I'm going to come and see you guys today after I finish work. Is she going to school?

Scarly 😋: No, she didn't get much sleep last night. We had the conversation at 3 am and didn't finish till 5. 

Lizard 😘: Then why are you awake at 7, texting me?

Scarly 😋: I can't sleep. I'm just so happy that I have my baby in my arms again.

Lizard 😘: Okay just don't be moody later. I'll see you soon. Love you xx

Scarly 😋: RUDE! See you soon. Love you too xx

I go through some emails and reply to the urgent ones. I feel Maddie move on my arms.

 "Go to sleep mama" her voice all raspy. I kiss her head and put my phone down. 

I wake up again to Maddie scrolling on her phone.  She notices that I'm awake and places her phone on her bedside table.

"Did I wake you?" I shake my head and check the time. It's now 11:08 so Colin and rose are out of the house which means that it's just me and Maddie.

I stand up and Maddie glares at me from her bed.

"Hey! I was comfy!" She says. I kiss her head and take her hand pulling her up.

"Come on baby. I want a girl's day."

We walk downstairs and I make me and Maddie a coffee. I sit at the breakfast bar with her and I check the schedule for work to see if Lizzie would be on set or not. She should have finished a few minutes ago. I call her to see where she is and she tells me that she's at her house, she did ask why I was asking but I just said that I was curious which she didn't seem to buy but it stopped her questions.

Me and Maddie got in the car and start driving to lizzie's. Robbie isn't currently in this state because he's doing something with his band so I know that lizzie's alone and I don't want her to be on her own so might as well include her in our girls day.

"Can I drive?" Maddie asks me. I laugh, thinking that she's joking but when she doesn't laugh with me tells me that she's being serious.

 "Absolutely not! You don't even have a licence and you can't drive" 

 "I actually do know how to drive. I was taught"


 "Dad" she says quietly. I grab her hand and hold it, rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand. 

We haven't yet talked about everything that happened and how she's feeling. I did end up texting her dad early this morning whilst Maddie was sleeping. I explained to him how I told her and he didn't reply but I know he read it. I also know that he has tried calling Maddie. She tried to hide it from me when we were drinking our coffees, he had called her and she declined it and just continues talking to me, acting like it never happened. Another thing she inherited from me, ignoring situations until they overtake your life.

I park the car and we walk up to lizzie's front door and I knock. Usually I would just walk in because it's me. I have key for lizzie's house and she has a key for my house, just in case plus it's really handy when we have work and I'm too busy to go and grab something from home, she can go and get it for me. Although sometime it can be annoying because one time I woke up in the middle of the night and Lizzie was in my kitchen eating chips acting like it was completely normal.

 "Maddie!" Lizzie squeals when she opens the door pulling Maddie into a hug. When Lizzie let's Maddie go, I glare at her.

 "Hi Scarlett. Oh hi Lizzie. Good to see you too" I joke to her. She just rolls her eyes.

 "what are you guys doing here?" Maddie glances at me before looking back at Lizzie.

 "Mom's said that were kidnapping you for the day. For some sort of 'girls day'" 

 'mom's God I missed that.

 Lizzie squeals and grabs some shoes before running out to where I parked the car.

 "Well come on Scarlett, don't just stand there otherwise I'll drive" that pulls me out of my senses and I quickly sit in the drivers seat. Maddie sits beside me. Lizzie runs back into her house for something.

 "Maddie. Let's scare your godmother. When we get to the bottom of our driveway, I'll get out and sit where your sat and you can drive" Maddie nods her head rapidly. Luckily I have a long driveway so I can really scare Lizzie. Also it's my private property so it's completely legal.

Lizzie runs back to the car and we start making our way home. Maddie plays some music and her and Lizzie are singing at the top of their lungs. This is really nice, I missed hearing Maddie's laugh. It's the same as the one she had when she was little. 

She was such a cheeky toddler. She used to give me the most cheeky grin I'd ever seen. She and Chris was a handful. Her with Leo and Lily was even worse. Lily was only little and didn't really talk so Maddie and Leo did all the talking for her.

I get to the bottom of my drive and I stop the car, locking lizzie's door before hand. I then get out and so does Maddie. Lizzie's gives us a confused look before she realises.

 "No. Scarlett no. Maddie do not drive. Scarlett this is kidnapping" I grin at her and Maddie starts the car. 

She drives actually well although I don't think Lizzie agrees because the entire time she was holding onto the door for dear life. As soon as Maddie parks, lizzie gets out of the car and takes deep breaths. Maddie goes over to her and rubs her back laughing. Lizzie just glares at me to which I give her a innocent smile and wave.

Maddie and Lizzie sit in the front room picking a movie whilst I get snacks ready. This girls day is more to try and get Maddie to just relax because I know that everything has been so overwhelming and I think that she needs a break. I know that her taking as many days off school as she is, is bad but her mental health is more important than that.

I sit beside Maddie and she snuggles into me. Lizzie sees this and smiles at me before playing the movie. Halfway through the movie I receive a text from Matthew.

Matthew: Are you at home? Can I come and speak to Maddie please? I need to explain.

I tell him that we're home and he says that he'll be there in a few minutes.

 "Maddie, baby, your dad's going to come and see you, just to talk. Is that okay?" She nods but I feel her body go stiffer. Lizzie gives me a sad smile before saying that she'll go and get us some food whilst he's here.

This is going to be a fun conversation! So much for a 'girl's day'!




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