Chapter 16

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Maddie's POV:

Today I just spent the day with Lizzie and Robbie. We watched loads of films and ate lots of snacks. Lizzie drove me back to Scarlett's later on in the afternoon. I didn't really want to go back to Scarlett's, it's too awkward there and the only person I really talk to is rose. Colin is nice and seems like a really nice guy and Scoarlett is just Scarlett. I don't want to even think about her. She left me and just went and got a new family. I always have to remember that it's not Colin or roses fault, rose was only a kid and it wasn't Colin's chose for Scarlett to leave me if was hers. 

When we got to Scarlett's, I said a quick hello to rose and then went to my room. I didnt see Scarlett and I don't want to. Lizzie followed me and just Sat on my bed watching me put my clothes away and mess with my trophies on my shelf.

 "Are you going to keep on fidling with those trophies or are you going to come and talk to me?" Lizzie said smirking at me. I smiled and sat next to her putting my head in her shoulder.

 "Can I come and live with you?" I asked.

 " I don't think your mom would be to happy about that" Lizzie said laughing.

 "I don't think she'll care to be honest. She didn't before" I said honestly.

 "Maddie, she does care" I shake my head at that.

 "Then why did she leave" I say in a quiet voice tears rolling down my eyes. I didn't want to cry today especially not to Lizzie but i couldn't help it. I've had these thoughts stuck in my head for a while.

 "Honey that's something she needs to be the one to tell you" I sighed at that. As if I'm going to talk to her. 

 "Maddie I know you don't want to talk to her but I also know that keeping all these thoughts in your head isn't a good idea either. I think you should just get it over with. You never know it could improve things?" Lizzie said kissing me on the head. I strug my shoulders at that. It might help things but then again it might make things worse. What if I was the reason she left?

 "I'm not going to push you to talk to her,but I think that you should." Lizzie said.

 " it doesn't matter Liz, I'm leaving in a few months" Lizzie sighed at that. 

 "Nope, I'm gonna kidnap you so you can't leave" Lizzie joked.  I laughed at that. I don't know when I'll be leaving but I do know that when I do it will be so hard to say goodbye to Lizzie. Even though we only met a week ago, she's already become my favourite person here.

We went downstairs and sat with rose and colin in the living room. I was just on my phone scrolling through Instagram. 

 Scarlett walked in looking completely exhausted.

 "Mommy, can we have pizza?" Rose said as soon as she saw her.

 " rose, honey, your mom's just got home give her a minute" Colin said laughing. Scarlett smiled at her and looked at me, I looked away and went back in my phone pretending that I was doing something. Scarlett left the room.

 "Go after her" Lizzie whispered in my ear. I looked at her confused.

 "Why?" I whispered back.

 "Just do it maddie" Lizzie said nudging my shoulder. I sighed and stood up. I looked in the kitchen and I could see her outside in the backyard. I went out and sat next to her, she was just looking up at the sky. I did the same.

 "It looks better when the stars are out" Scarlett said.

 "Mhm me and Leo used to look at the stars in a field we found in England" I said. Scarlett nodded at that. We stay silent for a few minutes until I feel her eyes on me.

 "Your dad called" she said. I looked at her.

 "He wanted me to tell you that your abuela said to stop missing her calls and ignoring her" I smile and nod. Abuela is scary so I'm trying my best to ignore her. 

 "She's scary" I say. Scarlett laughs.

 "Why? What have you done?" She asks.

 "Well first I got kicked out of boarding school and second I got a nose piecing" I said.

 "She doesn't know you got a nose piecing?" I shake my head.

 "None of them do apart from Leo,Lily and dad" I say. Scarlett nods and laughs.

 "Then yeah, she is going to kill you" she says. I nod and laugh. This is nice. We're just having a normal conversation. Is this what you do with your mum? I didn't realise how much I missed this, missed HER. Her voice, her smile. Just her in general. She feels safe.

 "What's going on it that head of yours" she asked. I hadn't realised I had zoned out for a while.

 " Nothing" I said quickly.

 "You can tell me, you know Maddie. I don't bite or anything" she joked. I smiled slightly.

 "I just.. I missed you that's all" I said quietly, regretting it straight away.

 "forget I said anything" I said straight after.

 "Baby, I missed you so much. you know that right? Your my baby girl" she said smiling at me. I could see a year roll down her face. I wiped it away and smiled at her.

 " I'm gonna go back in" I said standing up. Scarlett nods and looks away.  

Well done Maddie you made her cry! 

Scarlett's POV:

I went back inside an hour is so later. I needed a bit of quiet time to think. Maddie moving here has changed everything. I'm so happy that she's back with me but I'm so scared that she's going to be taken away from me again and her telling me that she missed me I think broke me. I missed my baby so much and for her to say she missed me too makes it even worse. I should have fought harder for her. Instead I just let it all happen.

I know my baby is hurting and I don't have a clue on what to do especially since the reason she is hurting is because of me.




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