Chapter 38

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Maddie's POV:

It's the end of November which means Christmas is coming. Halloween was actually really fun, me and James tried to go matching but failed because we couldn't choose who to go as, so I just went as him and he went as me. I also was forced to go trick or treating with rose and Scarlett which was alright, I mean we got loads of sweets.

Dad is currently flying out to come and tell me 'important news' and I'm just hoping that it's that I'm moving with him. As much as I'm starting to get used to living here with Scarlett, I still just want to go back home. America isn't for me and never has been, I'm an England girl through and through. Plus all my family is in England.

 "MADDIE COME DOWN HERE YOU DAD'S HERE" Scarlett calls. I run downstairs forgetting that I'm still mad at him for leaving me here.

 "Dad" I squeal as I jump into his arms. He holds me and kisses my head.

 "Hey kiddo. Miss me huh?" I nod my head. 

We sit on the sofa in the living room, Scarlett sitting in front of us.

 "So dad what's the 'big news'" I ask him. He smiles at me. 

 "Well honey, I've been thinking a bit about what's going to happen for Christmas and everything and with work, I was hoping, and I've already asked your mum, that you could stay here with her, Colin and rose for Christmas this year instead." I just stare at him. Absolutely fucking not. Is this man crazy? 

"Look kid, it'll be your first Christmas with your sister and I'm sure she'll love that your staying" he continues obviously seeing the annoyed look on my face.

 "Will I be staying for my birthday as well then?" I ask sarcastically.

 "If you want to.. Look I get that this is a lot but I think that it'll be good for you" I glare at him. How does he know what'll be good for me? He barely knows me.

I thought he would be coming here to tell me that I get to go back home not that I'm staying here even longer.

 "For how long then dad?"

 " A few more months. Works hectic Maddie but it's nearly done and then we can do whatever you want okay? " I nod. I've heard this speech so many times in my life that I could probably recite it. It's always the same with this man. Work is the number one priority.

Scarlett gave me a sad smile. I don't need her sympathy, I'm used to this, I'm used to my dad. It's her I'm not used to.

 Her and my dad fall into a conversation about how school is going for me. Shit! Dad's going to find out about me skipping.

 "Oh Maddie, I was meaning to mention that Alice got a phone call the other day from your school about you not being in class, what's that all about?" He asks me. Of course my Godmother snitched on me. I forgot that dad still will get calls from my school but I thought that Alice would just hang up or block their number like she used to do for me. She really needs to stop being dad's assistant because she's getting me in trouble.

 "Oh I didn't feel well, so I sat in the nurses office" he nods believing my lie.

 "Well can we try and not skip class please otherwise abuela will kill us both" he says shaking his head laughing. I give him a fake smile before leaving to go and find rose.

 "Want to watch a film with me sissy?" She asks me. That's her new name for me now, that and Maddie-line. We go to my bedroom and she puts on home alone 3.

 "Are you going to live here forever?" She asks me. 

 "I'm not sure kid. I don't think so" I tell her. 

 "I want you to live with me forever. I want to be able to see you"

 "You will kid. I promise" I say giving her my little finger to make it a pinky promise. She laughs and snuggles into my shoulder, I wrap my arm around her and kiss her head.

I've only just realised that I've left my dad and Scarlett downstairs together. Is it awkward? Considering they divorced and I'm pretty sure don't have the best relationship. Is that why Scarlett left? Because of my dad?

There's a knock on my door and I tell them to come in. My dad smiles at me and rose and then gives me a kiss on the head, telling me that he'll see me tomorrow.

 "Is that your daddy?" Rose asks me once he's left. I nod my head. "He looks scary"

 "He's a softy once you get to know him. But he does sound a bit scary doesn't he" she nods and grabs my hand standing up, telling me that we're going back downstairs.

We sit in the living room, rose showing me her Barbie dolls and it's clothes. I don't really pay attention because I'm still thinking about Scarlett.

Why did she leave? She keeps on saying that she will tell me but when? When will she tell me? Was it me? Is that why she's not wanting to tell me? Incase it'll hurt my feelings? But I'm okay, I can handle it, God knows I've been through enough for it to not hurt. I mean it'll sting a little but barely. Why can't she just tell me? I'm nearly 16, I can take it.

I don't realise that I'm struggling to breath until I feel a soft touch on my cheek. I can't see who it is, My eyes are all blurry. I can't breath. someone is blowing on my face. My eyes are starting to clear. It's Scarlett.

She puts her hand to her chest and exaggerates her breathing, telling me to copy her. I try but it doesn't work and instead a sob escapes my mouth. She grabs my hand and puts it on her chest. 

 "Copy me baby" I shake my head. I can't. She nods her head and blows on my face. After trying a few times, I'm able to blow a little.

 "That's it baby. Your okay." I can't help but cry. She pulls me into her arms and kisses my head.

 "Your okay baby. Mama's got you. Your okay Maddie" she whispers. I cry harder at that.

I just want my mama.





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