Chapter 23

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Maddie's POV:

Lizzie followed me upstairs and said goodnight to me, wrapping my blanket around me and placing my sleeping pills on the bedside table.

 "Try and get some rest honey" she says kissing my head. I nod and smile up at her. She smiles back and then leaves the room. 

I grab my phone and text the group chat.


Maddie 😇: R u guys awake?

Allie 😚: I'm awake. What's wrong?

Maddie 😇: nothing I'm bored.

Charlie 😎: why are you bored?

Maddie 😇: can't sleep.

Becca 😍: why can't you sleep?

Maddie 😇: is this a police interrogation?

Charlie 😎: well becca is a lawyer??🤔

Maddie 😇: oh shush! 

Allie 😚: how's school?

Maddie 😇: amazing 👍

Becca 😍: bullshit

Charlie 😎: Yeah we was told about your little adventure today.

Maddie 😇: what adventure?

Allie 😚: skipping school and getting drunk.

Maddie 😇: oh

Becca 😍: Yeah 'oh'. Has your dad called you?

Maddie 😇: nope!

Allie 😚: ofc he hasn't. What's new there.

Charlie 😎: let's not start that again.

Allie 😚: start what again? I'm just saying.

Maddie 😇: she does have a point.

Becca 😍: yepp!

Maddie 😇: I'm gonna try and got to sleep now.

Becca 😍: okay night honey xx

Allie 😚: night babe xx

Charlie 😎: night sweetie xxx

Maddie 😇: before I go. When can you guys come and visit?? 

Becca 😍: not for a few weeks yet honey. We all have work and your dad's got the jet at the moment.

Maddie 😇: ugh okayy. Love you. Nightttt xxx

I turned my phone off and took my pills hoping that they actually work.

Turns out they did because I wake up the next morning to rose staring into my soul.

"You okay kid" I said sitting up. She nodded and ran off. Strange kid. I got ready for school. I am so glad that it is Friday. 

 "Hey kid. You busy after school?" I asked rose sitting next to her in the kitchen . She shook her head.

 "Want to start learning that dance then?" She nods her head rapidly.

 "Can I choose which one I want to learn?" 

 "Sure I'll show you some options later"

I left and got the bus with Jess luckily missing seeing Scarlett. I don't want to have to deal with her right now. 

The school day took what seemed to be forever and I did go to all of my lessons. I also got in trouble in art for throwing paint at max because apparently 'that's not what we do when someone is annoying us'. He was being annoying and asking if I was dating James or not and things like that. I also found out that there is a party on Saturday which I have to miss because stupid Scarlett grounded me. I mean how can she do that?  She's stricter than my own dad.  I don't find it fair that she can do that considering she hasn't been in my life since I was younger and now all of a sudden she has control. I mean come on.

Anyway... When I got back at the house, I got changed into a simple crop top and my dance company leggings. Rose was sat in the dance studio already waiting dressed in her cute little black leotard and some leggings. I sat beside her and pulled my phone out showing her the options.

 "You know you have picked the hardest one" I say laughing. She finally picked one after like 20 minutes of deciding.

 "I have an idea kid. Why don't I teach you a new dance every week, therefore it gets you into the habit for if you want to do competitons." She jumps up and down squealing. I think she's happy .

Lizzie's POV: 

Maddie and rose went straight downstairs when they both got home and I haven't seen them since. Scarlett and Colin are both at work so I'm here sat upstairs all alone.

I walk downstairs and stand at the door watching them. Rose is dancing and Maddie is telling her what to do. She kept on yelling 'feet' and 'point' which made me have to hold on my laugh because she looks so cute. Rose looked like she was really enjoying it and Maddie looked like she was losing it. Apparently rose had done her turn wrong so Maddie got up and showed her how to do it.

 "Wow!" I say smirking .

They both jump and smile at me. They look so alike right now. We hear the front door open and rose runs upstairs wanting to see her mom. Maddie turns the music off and takes off her shoes.

 "You okay child?" I ask. She nods and smiles at me. Okay that's so fake.

 "Your really good you know that right?" I say putting my arm around her shoulder. 

 "Thanks Liz" 

 we go upstairs and meet rose and Scarlett in the kitchen. I feel Maddie's body stiffen. I pull her closer to me. Maddie smiles up at me and then leaves and walks to her room. I give Scarlett a small smile before following Maddie.

 "What's wrong honey?" I ask lying next to her on her bed. She glances at me and then back at the wall. 

 before I could say anything else her phone goes off and her dad calls her. She picks up and puts him on loud speaker whilst she hid under the covers. What's she doing?

 "Drinking and skipping school maddie! Wow! Two in one day" her dad says sarcastically. Oh I see now why she's  hidding.

 "Madeline I've told you so many times. School is a place you need to go. And drinking seriously. Why kiddo?" He says.

 "I'm sorry dad" Maddie says quietly. 

 "I know kiddo but this keeps on happening" 

 "I know that you moving in with Scarlett and not telling you might not have been the best idea but drinking and skipping school isn't going to help change that" Maddie mumbles words of agreement before her dad bids goodbye.

 Maddie hides further into the duvet. I give her a kiss on her head before leaving her to have some quiet.




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