The group pray in silent and place a white rose on his tomb.. and went to the school area where weiss saw them..

Weiss- hey guys!!!

Ruby- sup!

Yang- yo!!

Weiss- how are you?? And pyrrha and jaune?? How come are you alive??

Jean- i am not jaune.. i am jean his twin sister..

Weiss- i'm sorry...

Jean- it's fine..

Weiss- which team you belong jean?? Is it ruby's??

Yang- why??

Weiss- well i will ask headmaster to be the new leader of pyrrha.

Yang- sorry to burst your bubble but jean is the replacement of jaune..

Weiss- what?? How??

Yang- i guess you are second year now??

Weiss- yep!!

Ruby- well we will enter here as first years.

Weiss- ohh sorry about that..

Blake- how was vale weiss??

Weiss- well peaceful but the white fang are hiding right now because the atlas force went all out they will not hesitate to kill if the white fang stands ob their way plus roman torchwick and neopolitan was executed a week ago. The hubtreas catch them and arrest them both..and the next day the were executed..

Blake- that is good..

Weiss- you are not mad??

Blake- why?? I am not a white fang anymore..they were criminals unlike the i found peace i  arcadia..

Weiss- there is a faunus there??

Blake- yeah the faunus there live with humans peacefully..

Weiss- shouldn't the faunus there were aggreasive like a bunch of animals and like to spread fear??

Blake- the faunus there live with humans peacefully they have equality there..the faunus there had no reason to be aggressive..arcadia is a peaceful kingdom and i found my new home there..

Weiss- i you will return here to be a huntress again?

Blake- no..we return here to finish study and after that we will return to arcadia to join the military..

Weiss- why you will enter military when you are a huntress.

Yang- well we like to fullfil jaune's dream to be a the pay is good and had a lot of military has a lot of adventures..right guys??..

Ruby- yep!!

Weiss- you too ruby?? Did your parents know about this??

Ruby- yep mom and dad agreed that i join the military..not only that we will experience a bloody fight but we will learn about discipline and many more. 

Jean- come on guys lets go headmaster is waiting for us..

Yang- please excuse us we will go now..see you later..

They excuse them selves leaving weiss alone....

Once they are out at weiss sight.

Jean- that brat is a racist??

Yang- yep!! A hard core racist.. i wanna puch her when she talk about a fau us beig aggressive and animals....

Jean- me too..

Ruby- that brat never like me for veing a leader  seriously guys..that spoiled brat never stop complaining..

Blake- plus her mouth is like a machine gun had an infinite bullet..

Nora- i wanna break her legs every time she bad mouth jaune jaune...

Yang- damn her voice irretates me..

Jean- why??

Yang- because her voice resembles to a donkey  that went crazy!!

Jean- ppfff!! Hahaha!! Really yang!! Hahaha

Yang- yeah!! Everytime we are i  one room she will never stop ranting!! Seriously i almost going insane to her voice!! If not for blakey here..that is why me and the rest always hanging out at team jnpr's room...

Nora- weiss join in our dorm if jaune is not around. She hates jaune jaune to the core...but seriously i had a gut feeling that weiss killed jaune.

Ren- that is rude nora.

Nora- but ren..i saw it also in my dream weiss kilked jaune jaune.

Ren- nora accusing someone without evidence is wrong ..

Nora- probably but i will stick on my words..

Ren- sigh~

Jean- seriously guys who is the first person who meet weiss??

Ruby- i do..

Jean- how??

Ruby- well jaune use to call me crater face because i stumbled on weiss luggage and i am stupod not to realize it was her dust supply..

Blake- you are not at fault on that was weiss fault because she is flaunting her vial without realizing that vial is not cover that is why you sneeze and the dust explode on ypur face.

Jean- blake is right you know..

Pyrrha- in my case weiss recruit me as her partner then jaune intervene and push me away.. but weiss is very rude towards jaune i don't really k ow why she was rude towards jaune.

Yang- ohh come on p-money. You know the princess of donkey hates to be interrupted when she is in recruiting process..hehehe she is being aggressive when you ended up with she doesn't take no for an answer..i saw her in that ruin she try to recruit you but her bad luck strikes because jaune order you to get that rook piece..

Pyrrha- yeah i notice that too..and besides i never was a fan to her..i saw her rudeness towards jaune..i hate that...

Yang- you and me both...but when jaune told about his transcript she is even rescentful tiwards jaune..i bet she is the one who spread the news about his transcript..

Ruby- but no one believes in her words..because the students here saw how jaune treats everyone.

Jean- in the first place jaune doesn't even need a transcript. He has immunity...may be some students knew about him.

Yang- not really all academy in 4 kingdom doesn't even need a trascript. As long as you pass the initiation you are welcome to enter the huntsman academy..

Jean- i that brat is not just a racist she is also a perfectionist..

Yang- nahh she is the definition of being an idiot and narcisist..

Pyrrha- can't argue with that..hehehe

The group continue to walk in izpin's office

And in jaune's grave a crow standing on his tomb and immediately fly away

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