Chapter 5 - New Roommates

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My mom picked me up off the bed after explaining these rules to this punishment. As if I was about to go through with giving up my summer all cause of one petty remark to my sister.

We entered into the nursery which I had been in many times as a baby but also to change Jade's diaper when necessary.  It had been completely revamped and looked completely different from how I last remember it.

The play area now took up half the room with tons of toys bouncy and suspension chairs and basically anything a baby could want. Then there was the changing table which was larger and could easily fit two babies onto it at once side by side.

My aunt's bed was right beside another bigger bed that was lowered to the ground and had crib-like bars around it. I did a little more investigating and found some more changes in the room.

There were no longer 3 cribs, there was now a giant crib in the corner of the room which was low to the ground and about the size of a king bed. The one right beside my aunts bed for easy lookout over the kids.

I assumed Christine wanted the room to have a practical use once the babies were grown up so revamped it so that in a year or two a king bed could easily fit.

I struggled in my mom's grip as she held me tight. She eventually let me down in the middle of the room.

"Okay Amy I know you have no desire for this punishment but I do not care and you will be doing this because it is not a choice and it is your punishment for being a bad girl." My mom stated as she stared me dead in the eye. "Now I know the baby's clothes will fit you as they are big and you are small."

"No" I told my mother straight up. "I am not going to be put into diaper and embarrassing clothes all because of one thing I said to my sister."

"Okay so I have been tracking all the smacks I have to give you later and right now we are at 25 so a little more of this back talk and we will be up to thirty." My mother said as I now remembered all the smacks my mom promised for breaking the rules. "Now get up on the changing table before I bring you down now and smack you 100 times. This is a punishment not a negotiation and I have no problem delivering more smacks to your butt."

I obeyed her command as now the thought of smacks in front of the whole family was setting in. I hoped up onto the large changing table.

My mom went into the closet and I heard a faint sound of hangers clanging against one another obviously she was looking for an outfit for me. She emerged less than a minute later with a pink onesie dotted with flowers.

She began to strip down all my clothes until she got to my panties where I thought she was going to stop but instead decided to keep going until I was fully nude on the changing table.

My heart began beating at 160 beats per minute minimum as my mom grabbed a diaper and I slowly recalled the rules I had barely paid attention to and now the pressure was setting in. My mom wasn't holding back this time and now I was about to be exactly what I said my sister was. 

She opened up the diaper and lifted my legs up. I tried my best to resist but when I did she simply put my arms into restraints on the table and my stomach into one as well. She held my legs up high as she powdered my crotch and my butt then dropped my legs slowly and secured the diaper around my waist snugly and not too tight. I guess with all the practice on Jade she was a natural.

Then without resisting I began to cry, I had no Idea why but I did and it was bad, my mom didn't comfort me and simply wiped my tear and proceeded to change me. The realization that I was in a diaper and all my cousins, the people who's relationship I value the most, were about to see me and most likely see me use it as my bladder was not on my side.

I knew my mom was locked in on this punishment and there was no turning back. She got me to stand up on the table and opened up the onesie, putting my arms into the holes then pulling it down to my waist. She then grabbed a flap at the back and front of my onesie and put them underneath my butt and snapped them together so that the onesie was also snug and held my diaper nice and close to me.

"I forgot how adorable you looked in a diaper and onesie." My mother said to me and she admired her work on my outfit. "Also I want to warn you that the twins only know minimal words so no full sentences and they talk like babies so if you need something you can only talk like that. Also they normally don't ask for anything but food so asking for a diaper change is a no no no. Are you ready to meet your new best friends for the next 2 months."

The last part of her statement got me. 2 months. This was my whole summer gone and she has confirmed my doom. I am not going to spend a summer tanning and having fun, my summer is about to be spent pooping and peeing myself.

"Tasha come in." My mom yelled to someone who was just outside the door. "Wow your babies are cuter than ever."

"Thanks sis. I think your baby is a cutie patuty as well." Tasha had a slight country accent which no one understood why since they never lived anywhere near the country."Sis you can go on out and mingle with the others. I'll show your youngin around and let her know the ropes of being a baby."

"Thanks Tasha." My mom said gratefully heading to the door. "Be good Amy, I don't want to add anymore spanks to your already big and growing number."

My mom walked out leaving me on the ground in a crawl position remembering I am not allowed to walk. Tasha was not towering above me with the twins in her arms.

"Okay Amy let me get these two settled down then I will explain all that you will need to know." Tasha said setting the babies down in the large play area and then picked me up. "Look I know this is strange but get used to it darling. Now 1 I am also your mommy so refer to me like that as well. 2 we do not go on the same trips as all the big kids and often won't go to the beach so we stay here and maybe go in the backyard. 3 that diaper will be your toilet and don't try and hold it cause you aren't going to be using a toilet unless you want 50 slaps on the spot. 4 the twins are now your best friends and you might have seen the big mattress beside my bed and all three of you will share that together. 5 you wake up whenever and then we eat breakfast play, then lunch and nap time then play a little more and then dinner play and tv a little then bath time and bed. Obviously the schedule might change but it will mostly stay like that. I know your mom told you all the other rules so that's pretty much all else you need to know. Now I will normally tell you what to do and that starts now so go play and actually play or I will tell your mom to add slaps to the total." My aunt I mean mommy said as she went and sat on her bed going on her phone. She had dropped me into the play pen and even if I stood up the walls were so high only my chin went over and it would be hard for me to climb over it. 

I sat down in a bouncy chair waiting for my depression aka the rest of the summer to end.

Authors Note:

So just more depth into her punishment and the beginnings of how she feels about this are shown here in this chapter. I hope you see where this book is going and the potential we have for this. And also just think that this is only one day in the story and we have five chapters and I am thinking of adding at least 2-4 more in this day of story line. Thanks for reading this far and I hope you have enjoyed it. If I made some mistakes let me know and vote for the chapter cause I like seeing the notification.

A little sneak peek for the next chapter is that it will be titled Chapter 6 - Disaster Strikes

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