Author's Note Six: Changes For The Last Olympian

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This one generally covers what you can probably expect for the Last Olympian. Obviously, it will cover the events of the book, but there will be a few extra chapters after the Battle Of Manhattan that will fit into the whole Monster King storyline. While Porphyrion and Periboia made a minor appearance in Part II, probably starting near the end or in the middle (I do think because of the Giants' trait of feeling superior to the Titans, that a moment where the two briefly ally with the Olympians during the Battle Of Manhattan could be interesting to write, not sure if I will do that though).. their appearances will be more in the main plot than in the past. There will be name references and such to them as TLO progresses - the portion of Part III that takes place within the context of the book, most of it - but don't really expect the two Giants to return for a while.

As to the Monster King line itself, the lines from Colton may give doubt to the title holding any great power, but trust me, it does. It's just going to take a while for him to be able to access that power for the first time. All he's gotta do is survive long enough to use it.. because.. Battle Of Manhattan. There's a reason why I left a comment that said "Kronos will be having fun right up until Colton actually unleashes it on his forces."

As for the matter of the Fates, given the fact that Lee and Castor are still alive in the events of the Last Olympian, one must wonder.. what else could the fates be wrong about?

The next chapter will provide some brief snippets that will back up this question.. as the way I have the next book setup, there will be need for characters who die in canon in the first series to be on hand for the second series. So to put it bluntly, it's probably no accident on my part that Lee and Castor survive the Battle Of The Labyrinth in this universe.

If anything, treat any moment in which a character either survives or returns in any way, shape, age, or form (hint hint) and the snippets of dreams and what not as a slight spoiler of what 's to come, as in trailer spoilers. Every character that survives is only to increase the level and power of what's about to go down when we get to Book Two. Because let's ask a question.. what if the Giants had to face the full power of the Percy crew combined with those lost from the first series?

Win or lose.. Typhon may or may not be starting a ripple effect that I will admit, it'll be interesting to write out indeed.

See you in the next chapter when it comes out.

Bye for now!

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