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First and foremost, this fanfic exists clearly because I see a lack of fanfics in which Kayla is one of the main characters, which given she is the daughter of both Apollo and another man, aka a gay couple which given that I have lesbian parents IRL, I am a total LGBTQ+ fan.. is just criminal. I mean, we got Nico and Will fanfics.. why not some more fanfics where one of the minor main characters finds love with somebody else?

Haven't seen the Percy Jackson show yet, but personally I do like the style and the way they represented the characters (Riordan's belief of ability rather than appearance is a rather interesting belief indeed, and one that honestly looks like it has done a fantastic job for the show). It is, for lack of a better word, downright incredible. Hermes, Zeus, Annabeth, Percy, Grover, Luke, Clarisse.. it's just perfect. Like put the Boys' Perfect Meme here to describe this show. Plus, it also does fit in with how I viewed Camp Half Blood as being a camp with cabins around trees and such (since I've seen most of both films).

That being said, I still think we can go further using Riordan's belief. Hence, this fanfic.

Another inspiration for this was the Apollo cabin fanfics done on Archive Of Our Own and Fanfiction. Done by several different people, they are beautifully well done and I'll be honestly, Apollo kids are just cute as hell. I'm saying that as an autistic, ADHD person who isn't really all that good around young ones, but dag nab it.. are they so precious. Pardon my inner fan girl there, it's just that even as a guy, these kids just melt my heart.

I will take some of the headcanons of Kayla from those fanfics and incorporate them in here.. but seriously, since her dad is a god and she loves archery, why not make Kayla into a head turning beauty who's an archery queen? I find it fitting for her, because seriously.. this girl is just cute through and through.

Plus, Camp Half Blood fanfics that focus on the other campers - god are they ever fun to read. Like, it's the kind of world building that really just fleshes out a place, much like I do to a certain extent in my Freezing/Clone Wars crossover fanfic. Like, there's so much going on with them behind the scenes that Riordan doesn't cover on in the books because sure, they aren't the focus, but it's still criminal in my opinion nevertheless. They may be minor characters, but each of them are still human and are late pre teens and teenagers and sometimes adults trying to find their way in a world where being a half-blood is not easy. And I think it's important we highlight those parts even while the main characters are off doing quests because let's face it, not everyone's favorite character is going to be one of the main heroes or a villain. Sometimes it's going to be one of those aforementioned minor characters that they want to see more of. For example, my favorite character from Attack On Titan is Mina Carolina, a girl that got killed off five episodes in the first season of the anime. So yeah.. if there are any Kayla Knowles fans out there, this fanfic is for you all! Enjoy!

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