X. I Am A Lucky Bastard

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(A/N: And here we are! The final chapter of Part One of this story. Next up is Battle Of The Labyrinth, where Percy and Luke will unwittingly provide the push to get Colton and Kayla to realize their feelings for each other.

Once more, this chapter is inspired by a chapter from laurellins' "Tales Of Camp Half Blood", specifically the last chapter for Sea Of Monsters, which coincidentally also happens to be a Kayla-centric chapter.)

The next morning was to a certain extent, brighter than it had been the past morning, for what reason Colton was not sure. He didn't really pay much attention to it though, even if it meant he had to put on shades while doing morning patrol. It didn't stop him from scoring two quick kills with his rifle on this morning though.

Kayla remained in Clarisse's bed, apparently also feeling safe with his own sister back in the bed that she had once slept in alone. I mean, to be fair, she was in the cabin of the people who did have live land mines and barbed wire planted around their cabin, so for demigods, she was essentially in what could be described as the Fort Knox of Camp Half Blood.

That alone meant that Colton didn't have to worry much about her as he ate another pop tart this morning for breakfast, before securing another monster kill that brought his total for this morning up to 3 monsters. Not a bad morning, and certainly the first one in which he could actually breathe safely now that Tantalus was gone.

It was only after an hour though that Sherman came running up to his perch through the walkways, panting and gasping for being short of breath at the moment.

"Where's the fire, brother? And good morning to you.." Colton remarked to his brother. After gasping for air for a few more moments, Sherman let out what he had to say after clearing his throat.

"Chiron wants you down at the pavilion with the others. He has some words he wants to say about you.." Sherman told him, causing Colton to look at him with skepticism.

"I'm not joking, you dumb fuck. Come on.." Sherman hissed, and at that, Colton started to follow his brother, wondering exactly what Chiron had to say about him.

- — - — - — - — -

Needless to say, the sight of Colton walking into the pavilion, with full gear on and his rifle at right shoulder shift position was an inspirational one to the campers, who greeted him with a friendly round of greetings. He smiled, because honestly, it was safe to say that his relationship with all of them had definitely improved a good deal because of last night. He stood next to Chiron as Sherman sat back down at the Ares table.

He couldn't help but blush and look away the minute he locked eyes with Kayla. God.. that girl is so beautiful, he thought to himself. Chiron then started to speak.

"A few quick announcements this morning.." he started. "I know everyone is very tired - well, almost everyone.." Cameron rolled his eyes because he knew Chiron was full well referring to him. "..from the.. events of last night, so I will make this brief. For one, patrols are unnecessary for the most part - although Colton is free to continue as he pleases - and will not need to happen thanks to the deeds of our very own Clarisse, in bringing the fleece to camp as well as Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson, who helped her complete this quest.. plus the deeds of Colton here as well."

The words caused a round of applause and cheers  throughout the dining pavilion, as Clarisse and her siblings all puffed up their chests and Colton simply smiled. "But.. until I can get a proper guardian.." Chiron continued. "..I want there to be a constant guard over Thalia's tree and the fleece. Annabeth, Clarisse, I'll let you organize that."

Colton sighed, for he knew full well that his sister and Annabeth would definitely rope him into this. Not that he minded anyway. He guarded that sickly tree in the mornings from the first time they found out it was poisoned to yesterday, so might as well continue to do so before his services were no longer needed and he could turn his attentions to something else.

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