Chapter 1

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Also look into my first story 'The Royal Rebel'

WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️:



"Mam, our shares are falling. The shareholders and investors are also withdrawing. The export contracts are broken. We don't understand what is happening." My Assistant informed me and I was shocked. We were all good yesterday. What the fuck the happening?

"Get me the stats, analytics, and every bit of information you can find about the events. Arrange a board meeting. I want all the shareholders and investors present there, including the ones that withdrew." I gave her crystal clear instructions and within half an hour I had the files in front of me and the board meeting was arranged.


"We withdrew the investment and shares because your share values were falling. The contract we signed clearly states we can do so." Mr. Khurrana said in a serious tone. I looked at my assistant and she nodded in agreement.

"Get out." I said, controlling the volcano bursting in me.

"What?" He asked.

"Take your minions and GET THE FUCK OUT!!" I yelled at the top of my voice and the whole room echoed. He was flaring in anger.

"How dare you insult me, you bitch?" He stood up with his stout height and said to me with his enormous ego. Fucking asshole.

"At least I've got the guts to do this to you. You went behind my back, you coward." The moment my words left my mouth he took a dangerous step towards. Dangerous for him. I've played this game before.

I took a step towards him too, "You have 10 mins to get out, the garbage collector is about to come."

He was in fury but knew better. Guess I put some sense into him. He should know better than fucking with me.

"Thank you for not giving up on us. I promise I will get the situation back on track. Give me some time and your trust." I smiled at the people still in the hall who didn't sell or withdraw.

"It's ok, beta. You are more than capable of handling this. Take all the time you need." My dad's best friend, Rajesh Sharma, said to me. All the others also smiled at me.

"Thank you." With that I closed the meeting and went back to my cabin and saw the new analysis on my table and all my hope of fixing faded.

The company was on the way to bankruptcy. How is this possible, just in a few hours? This seems so well-planned and not just a coincidence. I am going to get to the bottom of this.

But right now, I need a new investor. I called my dad and explained him the situation.

"I know one person who can help us and invest so much money in us but he will ask something in return, Aanya. I don't know what it will be but-" I cut him off.

"Who is it? I don't care what the prize is. I am ready to pay it. This company is our family's legacy. The only memory of grandma and grandpa. Who is it, dad?"


"The CEO of H&S Enterprises?"

"Yes, but he isn't just that. He rules the Mafia of Asia. He is dangerous, beta."

"I don't care, dad. I will go and meet him. Can you arrange a meeting with him?" I pleaded with my dad. He was resistant and rebelled by the idea of me meeting the man who can rule any part of the world with look from his eyes but, he agreed and I got an appointment for 1:30 pm which was in 40 mins.

I prepared for the meeting and was about to step out when I saw swarms of paparazzi standing there. Reporters were asking their questions as I walked through the swarm into my car. The photographers were continuously clicking pictures.

I sat in the car and asked the driver to take me to H&S Enterprises. I opened my phone and saw tons of messages and emails from every person, news channel, newspaper, and literally everyone.

The news articles were flooding in that were about the company and the shares. Some with hateful comments on me. They were talking about 'incompetency.'

The car halted and the security rushed to open my door. I checked the time and saw that I arrived at the office at 1:25. I prided myself for my punctuality.

The receptionist led me to the private elevator and told me, "Mam, sir's office is at the top most floor, 50th. No staff is allowed there."

I nodded and went inside and pressed on the 50th floor. The elevator dinged indicating that I reached the floor. I walked out and say a dark path with dim lights leading to an office.

Why the hell does it look like the path to hell?

I went and knocked the door. I heard the door lock click open. I walked in with anxiety and at the end of the room saw a man with a sharp jaw, perfectly shaped lips, grey eyes, and everything you need to be a Greek god.

"You are very punctual, Miss. Malhotra. I wouldn't have liked it if you were a second late." I heard a husky, deep voice muttering those words which were loud enough to reach me as he looked up to me and our eyes met. Scratch the Greek god comment. He was the Greek Legend.

I snapped out of my trance and said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Raghuvanshi." He forwarded his hand towards me. I shook it in response.

I sat across the table and was about to tell him why I was here but he cut me to it, "You are here for 150 crores investment for your company which can become bankrupt at any moment. Am I right?"

"Yes, but how do you know this?"
No one knows about the 'verge of bankruptcy.'

"I have my ways. Now, I am ready to invest 150 crores in your company. But, I am strong believer in give and take. What will I get-" This time I cut him off.


He got up from his chair and walked towards me. "Anything?" He looked up at me and asked me with a devilish smirk on his face.

I wanted to reevaluate my choice of the reply but I didn't and reconfirmed it, "Anything."

"Are you sure, Miss. Malhotra? You might not like what I ask."

"Yes. Save the company, please. It's my family's legacy, my responsibility and the only memory of my grandparents." I was on the verge of breaking down and shedding the tears I have been holding back. "What do you want in return?" I asked as I composed myself.


Hey guys! This is the first chapter and the story is officially started.

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𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang