♡➹ twenty-seven ♡➹

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Beomgyu cracked his knuckles. No matter whatever he had gone through on this mission, he was still a dedicated Amatorian. And no matter what Kai preached, he was still going to use his powers. He and Kai may have come in some sort of truce terms but he still had his ways of doing things. And using his powers is how he has accomplished missions before. So no matter what, he was going to continue using his powers. 

For good cause, obviously. 

Kai rolled his eyes. "Only because this was much needed. That's the only reason I'm allowing this."

Beomgyu gave Kai a smile. "Come on, stop being so upright, man. Don't you feel it? The amazing progress in our mission. 


"Don't touch me!" hissed Soobin, yanking his hand away from Yeonjun. 

Yeonjun merely shrugged. "You're so dramatic, I barely touched you. It's not my fault there's only one armrest."

"Huh? Fuck you mean, only one armrest. There's literally one on your side." said Soobin, pointing to the armrest on Yeonjun's side. 

Yeonjun cast a lazy glance at that armrest and turned back to Soobin. "But I want to rest my right arm, not my left."


Soobin was tired. He may have been willing to forget whatever Yeonjun made Soobin go through but that DIDN'T MEAN, he was going to be all buddy buddy with Yeonjun. Being in Yeonjun's mere presence, still made Soobin incredibly uncomfortable. Not to mention the night he had spent at Yeonjun's place. Soobin remembered absolutely nothing from that night and for some reason, Soobin had a gut feeling that something had happened. But if something had happened, then Yeonjun would've said something, right? Maybe blackmailed him again. However, instead of that, Yeonjun decided to treat Soobin...like a normal human being? Now that Soobin thought about it, Yeonjun hadn't brought up Soobin's sexuality again. 

Soobin couldn't wrap his head around this whole thing. He really thought that the day Yeonjun had removed Soobin's number from his phone was the day everything ended.

And SOMEHOW, Yeonjun ends up on the seat beside Soobin. Soobin looked outside the window, towards the sky. Why was god trying so hard to make their paths cross? He didn't want anything to do with this man but something was always bringing them together. If it was any other man, Soobin would've believed that it was the gods telling him that this man was his soulmate, his one and only true love for life. But it was Yeonjun that Soobin was talking about. There was no way such a man could ever be Soobin's soulmate. 

Soobin may have never had good luck when it came to love but despite all these failure, he believed that one day he'd find the right one for him.  

Soobin looked at Yeonjun, sitting beside him, grumbling about something. Suspicions arose in Soobin. Did Yeonjun even delete his number from his phone?

What did Yeonjun want from him?


Yeonjun rested his face on him palm, leaning against the armrest which he fought with Soobin over. He glanced at Soobin's sleeping, vulnerable face. 

Yeonjun turned to the person sitting on the other side of the aisle. 

"Psst" whispered Yeonjun, not wanting to wake Soobin up.   

The girl turned away from the person she was talking to and looked at Yeonjun. Yeonjun flashed one of his charming smiles at her. 

"Do you have a pen by any chance?" 

"A pen?" repeated the girl. She immediately opened her handbag and looked through it. "Nope."

She turned over to her friend and asked her. Lucky for Yeonjun, she didn't have a pen, she had a marker. 

She handed over the marker to Yeonjun. "I'm not sure if it works. Check it."

Yeonjun smiled again, not missing the blush on her cheeks. "Thanks a lot."

Yeonjun sat upright in his seat, opening the pen cap and writing on his palm to check when he felt a weight on his shoulder. He turned his head to see a completely wiped out Soobin, laying his head on Yeonjun's shoulder.

Yeonjun stared his Soobin's face, his eyes drifting towards Soobin's lips. Memories from Soobin's drunk night came flooding to Yeonjun's mind. Yeonjun quietly closed the pen cap, slipping it into his jacket pocket. He could feel color rushing to his face. He looked around, it was awfully hot wasn't it? Was no one else feeling it?

Yeonjun looked at Soobin's face again. 

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. 

He wanted to kiss Soobin again. 


Sorry for the really short update but BUT i put some developments AHAHAHA 

Keep reading, commenting and voting 


Pixiedust :) 

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