♡➹ twenty-three ♡➹

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Soobin was altogether in a daze. His slow brain was taking an awful amount of time to process what had happened. 

But now he was standing in front of Yeonjun's apartment complex....stuck in a daze. 

Okay, let's get this right.

He got drunk and wasted in front of his junior -- concerning fact no.1 

He then, somehow, ended up sleeping in Yeonjun's apartment -- concerning fact no.2 

Soobin was not harassed by Yeonjun at all -- concerning fact no.3 

Soobin was instead, treated absolutely like a normal human being, maybe even better by Yeonjin -- concerning fact no.4 

Yeonjun was a great cook -- concerning fact no.5 

Soobin shook his head. No, no, he shouldn't waste his time thinking about things like things. What happened had already happened and there was no changing that fact. This was just a one-time thing and Soobin was probably the dumb one trying to put some meaning into Yeonjun's actions. Maybe Yeonjun was also drunk and saw Soobin as a different person and thus had a different attitude. Yeah, that made sense.

Soobin looked up at the sky and then down to his clothes, which belonged to Yeonjun. Ugh, now this meant he had to return them and have another encounter with Yeonjun. 

Soobin couldn't help but feel that something was there. Something in this universe was trying so hard and desperate to intertwine Yeonjun and Soobin's path. Even when Soobin thought that everything was done and dusted with, yet again he found himself in front of Yeonjun. 

Soobin shook his head. 

This was nothing but a string of coincidences. 


Yeonjun stood on the balcony of his apartment, staring down at the busy street. His mind immediately wandered off to Soobin. 

Subconsciously he touched his lips, a slight blush came over his face. There was no point denying it. Yesterday's kiss felt good. Even though they only kissed, Yeonjun seemed to have liked it a tad bit too much. 

Yeonjun didn't know Soobin had so much charm in him. It almost made Yeonjun wonder if they would've become something hadn't it been for the circumstances they met it. 

Yeonjun shook his head. What the fck was he thinking about? He wouldn't even date Soobin over his dead body. Soobin was merely a source of entertainment for Yeonjun. Yeonjun just had to make Soobin fall in love with him and then break his heart, and then Yeonjun would be done with Soobin. That would be the end of them. 

Serves Soobin right, for publicly embarrassing Yeonjun. 

He wouldn't let Soobin off so easily. 


Kai looked over at Beomgyu, staring right at him.  After bidding Taehyun goodbye and giving him their thanks for taking care of them, they both had left the house. 

Beomgyu turned and glared at Kai, "What the fck are you staring at?"

Kai simply shook his head and looked away. To be honest, he was all so confused. There were so many variables in this particular mission and Kai could just feel everything getting jumbled up. 

One of Kai's biggest questions was, why the fck did Beomgyu decide to get Taehyun involved in all this? 

Sure, Beomgyu said they needed a grey around Yeonjun. But why did it have to be a grey around Yeonjun? Why not a grey around Soobin? And Soobin already had a grey around him, his closest friend in the entire world, Daehwi. 

Kai wanted to bring it up with Beomgyu. He wanted to tell him that maybe it's best if they leave Taehyun alone. Taehyun has been nothing but kind and tolerant towards them and Kai didn't want to involve such a nice person in the mess they were cooking. Kai opened the screen in front of him. 

They had another 4 months only. To get Yeonjun and Soobin together. Or else they're just going to up being Grey's. With no one to love at the end of their lives. 

Kai was about to open his mouth to bring it up when Beomgyu decided to speak. 

"I have a plan. And I need you for it."

Kai immediately shut his mouth. He wanted to muster the courage to voice out his opinions but his plans and opinions have only been shun down all this while. 

It's not like this time would make it any different. 

Kai let out a fake smile. "What is it?"


Soobin had just finished his classes for the day and was sitting on the stairs, waiting for Daehwi to finish his. 

Obviously, he wasn't going to tell Daehwi that he got absolutely wasted with his hoobae and then ended up in Yeonjun's apartment. 

Daehwi was a very kind and forgiving man but Soobin wasn't sure how forgiving he would be this time around so it was best if Soobin just kept his mouth shut. 

Soobin's eyes immediately widened. Fck! He completely forgot about his hoobae. He didn't even check up on him. He didn't even ask him if he got home safely. 

Soobin opened his phone. 

Soobin : Hey, I'm so sorry! I know it's late but how are you?

Soobin clicked send and then placed his phone down. What was he doing?

"What are you doing here?" asked a familiar voice, almost mimicking his thoughts. 

Soobin looked up to see Yeonjun staring at him. Soobin groaned. 

"What are you doing here?"

"That's a rude way to greet someone, don't you think? Especially, someone who let you stay over at their house."

"Stayed at whose house??????" another voice said. And this one Soobin knew too well. 

Behind Yeonjun, stood Daehwi, his arms crossed. 

Yeonjun looked at Daehwi and smirked. "Eh, did Soobin not tell you? It's not like it's such a secretive thing."

Yeonjun walked over to Daehwi and placed his hand on Daehwi's shoulder. "Wasn't a big deal, really. I was just helping out a friend. I found this fella absolute wasted and just gave him a roof to sleep under for a night. I don't know why Soobin would have to hide such an innocent thing from you. Anyways, good day to you too."

And Yeonjun left. 

Daehwi stood there, fuming. "I'm done with you. I could've saved so many years of my life if I had just not worried about you!"

"Daehwi..." said Soobin. 

"Shut up, I don't want to hear it. Obviously, it's your life and you get to decide what you want to do, right? Right, so from now onwards, I'm just going to let you do whatever you want to do. And I'm going to do whatever I want to do."

And Daehwi also left. 

Soobin groaned and buried his head in his hands. Why did Yeonjun have to come right at that moment and run his bloody mouth?

A ping on his phone. 

Kai : I'm fine! Thanks for asking. 

Kai : Beomgyu had taken me home, so I reached home safely. 

Kai : I presume things were fine on your end. 

Soobin grabbed his hair. 


Nothing was going fine on his end. 


After a month-- I still have ongoing exams but i wanted to update to here it is. 

Keep reading, commenting and voting 


pixiedust !!

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