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Soobin was fuming. And rightfully so. 

As a young but fairly mature adult, Soobin was well aware of the fact that when it came to the concept or matter of love, he had the worst luck anyone could fathom. Not only did he fall in love easily, but all the people he fell in love with always started out as the sweetest people and then turned into the biggest douchebags Soobin had ever come across. 

But this terrible luck in love didn't mean that he had to be dumped even if he hadn't dated the guy. What was the logic? First of all, wasn't Yeonjun the one who started this entire blackmailing ordeal? And then he had to audacity to push Soobin away like Soobin was the one who was desperately clinging onto him all this time? And why the sudden change of mind? Since Soobin had actually slapped Yeonjun, shouldn't the said-guy be even more on his nerves and harassing the living shit out of Soobin?

Don't get Soobin wrong, he's glad that Yeonjun is out of his life and his hair for good. Ever since he met Yeonjun at the bar that day, his life has been nothing but living hell. Yeonjun constantly threatening to reveal Soobin's sexuality was really not a game for Soobin. But still, he couldn't help but wonder, was this really the end? Just like that? Yeonjun had a mood swing and he's like yeah, I'm done harassing Soobin...was that it?

No matter how hard Soobin thought about it, he couldn't wrap his head around it. 

He was happy that he was free. 

But something still felt off. An ominous feeling hung over him. 

Was this really the end?


Yeonjun was considered to be one of the most gorgeous people in the entire university where there were quite a lot of students. Not to sound self-centric, but Yeonjun was aware that when it came to the category of looks, Yeonjun was an A++. 

So naturally, if some pheasant-looking creature, precisely existing with the name Soobin, pops up and has the audacity to slap Yeonjun's face, it would naturally anger Yeonjun beyond reason. And he even thought about making Soobin's life even more miserable. But he had a change of mind. 

Leave Soobin alone? Not a chance. It might have been an option for Yeonjun a couple of days ago since messing around with Soobin had started to become boring. But he slapped  Yeonjun.  

Well, he did tell Soobin that he was over and even went to the extent of deleting his number from Soobin's phone. And he even told Soobin that he had deleted Soobin's number from his phone. 

But of course, he didn't. 

If only Soobin had the brains to check Yeonjun's phone. The face of utter confusion, when Yeonjun kicked him out of his house, was hilarious. 

It just reminded Yeonjun of how fun this entire thing was going to be. Yeonjun smiled to himself. 

Choi Soobin's life was just about to get more miserable. 


Taehyun blinked continuously, confused. Maybe Beomgyu wasn't hitting on him. Maybe the reason Beomgyu needed tutoring was because... 

was because... 

he was actually stupid. 

This was 67th urge Taehyun had to either smash his head against the wall or Beomgyu's. How could a man be born so stupid? It made Taehyun wonder how Beomgyu even got into this university. And not to mention, he entered the department of law. 

Beomgyu, on the other hand was confused. Clearly, he had no knowledge on law and to get the textbook information on law, he needed to download it and then enter it into his brain. But for that he required a TEXTBOOK, which he didn't have and which Taehyun wasn't willing to give him. 

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