♡➹ twenty-five ♡➹

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Yeonjun had the same question which was lingering in everyone's head (except for Beomgyu and Kai). Why were they having a college excursion so early on in the year?

Well, it didn't really matter much to Yeonjun. Actually an earlier college excursion was better. Usually, because of the university's shit management, they'd keep the excursion until the end, closer to the date of the finals. And participation was mandatory unless a proper reason was provided so usually, no one really had the mood to go for a college excursion. 

God bless whoever decided to put it early this time. 

Yeonjun didn't have much to pack. Just one backpack with the necessary items. What's the use in bringing a whole ass suitcase?


Yeonjun raised an eyebrow as his eyes slowly followed Soobin, dumping his huge ass suitcase in the luggage area where the bus dude would later load them onto the bus. 

Yeonjun walked over to Soobin. 

"Not to be rude or anything but what's so much to carry for a 3 day trip?" Yeonjun asked, his eyes pointing towards the suitcase. 

Soobin turned and gave Yeonjun a blank stare, although his mind was running at full speed. First of all, why the fuck was Yeonjun talking to him? Second of all, not to be rude or anything??? Does Yeonjun realized that with Soobin he's been BEYOND rude?

"None of your business." said Soobin, attempting to sass Yeonjun out. 

Just because Soobin crashed over at Yeonjun place cause he was drunk did NOT mean the both of them were buddy buddy. Looks like Daehwi's dramatic outburst did bring some sense into Soobin. He should be clear and set boundaries. Soobin didn't know what Yeonjun was planning but he wouldn't let Yeonjun walk over him like last time. 

"Rude." said Yeonjun. 

Soobin's jaw dropped. What is wrong with this man? 

Soobin gasped and looked at Yeonjun. His eyes began filling with a pitiful look. He gently put an arm on Yeonjun's shoulder. 

"It's alright. It happens to the best of us. I shall pray to lord that you recover from amnesia. It's a sad, sad condition really."

"What the fuck?" said Yeonjun, annoyance laced with his voice. 

Soobin immediately rolled his eyes, withdrew his arm and said, "Now that's the Yeonjun I know." 

Yeonjun watched, surprised as Soobin walked away. Woah, where did the sudden confidence come from? 

Well, didn't really matter to Yeonjun. If anything, it just made him want to devastate Soobin even more. He was more fueled up than ever to break Soobin's heart. If he had to play Mr. Nice Guy for a bit longer, he didn't mind. 

Not if the reward seemed so satisfying. 


Soobin could spot Daehwi in the distance, talking to a couple of people. Figures, Daehwi was always the nice, social guy who everyone could easily approach and talk to. Didn't seem like Daehwi really cared about not talking to Soobin. 

Soobin immediately shook his head. No stupid thoughts. No stupid assuming shit. He wasn't a K-drama lead actress, there was no need for him to act stupid. All Soobin had to do was swallow his ego and apologize and make up with Daehwi. That's it, so simple. Yet Soobin was unable to move an inch from his position. Some part in the back of his mind was telling him why should I do it?  Albeit a childish thought, Soobin couldn't really help these thoughts. 

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