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With a determined glimmer in her wide eyes, Lana took a deep breath and mustered the courage to address her parents, who now stood on opposite ends of the room. "Mommy, Daddy," she began, her voice sounding surprisingly steady for a four-year-old. "I think I know how we can stop all the fighting and be happy again."

Kathleen's eyes widened with surprise, while Charles wore a look of resignation. They both leaned in closer, silently urging Lana to continue. She focused her gaze on each of them in turn, marshaling her thoughts into coherent words.

"Since you both are not willing to get back together and keep arguing about who should do things with me," Lana said softly, "I think it would be better if I make the decision myself."

Both Kathleen and Charles exchanged glances, their surprise giving way to curiosity. Lana's words hung in the air, a silent invitation for them to consider her proposal.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" Kathleen asked, her voice filled with curiousity.

Lana's face brightened as she grasped the opportunity to express her thoughts. "I want to spend a week at Mommy's and then the next week at Daddy's," she explained. "And we can keep going like that, taking turns. That way, I won't have to lose either of you. I love both of you, and it makes me sad when you argue".

Kathleen's eyes filled with tears, a mixture of sadness and gratitude to God for giving her such an amazing child. She had never imagined Lana could possess such wisdom and empathy. "Oh, Lana," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "That is such a brave and beautiful idea."

Charles, on the other hand, experienced a twinge of disheartenment at the thought of spending only half the time with Lana. But as he looked into the eyes of his little girl, he realized the weight of her words. She deserved a peaceful and loving environment, free from the tension she was experiencing right now.

"You're right, Lana," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and understanding. "I want what's best for you, even if it means not having you with me every day. Your happiness matters above all else."

A sense of relief washed over Lana as she witnessed her parents finding common ground, if only for her sake. She inched towards Kathleen and Charles, embracing them both in a tight hug.

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