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As the family of three enjoyed their dinner, Charles discreetly observed his maid, camilla. Her eyes were fixed intently on Kathleen who was unaware of her gaze on her. A flicker of anger ignited within him, for he knew all too well of Camilla's inappropriate advances towards him in the past. She thought she could get into his pants in order to get the name Mrs Walker and that was impossible.

Raising his head, Charles's voice resonated through the room. "Camilla, meet me in my study after dinner". His curt command warned of his growing displeasure, leaving no room for negotiation.

Camilla's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected demand and quickly replied "yes sir" and left to the kitchen.

The remainder of the meal went on in an awkward silence. Charles could feel the tension building, as both Lana and Kathleen sensed his displeasure. He fought hard to hide his frustration, not wanting to ruin the mood. His mind raced with the knowledge that once dinner was over, he would resolve this issue once and for all, he can't have anyone ruin his plans of getting Kathleen to forgive and accept him back.

Once the meal concluded, Charles excused himself from the table. He made his way to his study, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridor. As he entered the room, Camilla followed him into the study, her eyes filled with apprehension. She had been warned countless of times about the consequences of her actions, but she hoped that one day he would look at her differently. Hoping against hope, she knelt before him, her voice cracking with desperation.

"Please sir, i beg you not to fire me", she implored, tears streaming down her face. "I promise, I'll change. I'll be better, and I'll never have such thoughts again".

Charles looked down at her, his voice heavy with a mixture of pity and frustration. He knew he had to remain steadfast, despite the pleading in her eyes. "Camilla, your acting have crossed a line that cannot be uncrossed, having you here will later cause future problems for me", he explained, his voice tinged with disappointment". "It's best for you to leave at once. Your services will no longer be required here".

Camilla's voice paled, her eyes wide with shock, unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Her voice quivering as she pleaded, "please Mr. Walker, i beg you. Don't fire me. I have nowhere else to go. I promise, I will change. Please give me another chance". Camilla's begging turned into desperate cries as she clung to the hope of redemption. But Charles's resolve remained unyielding. He called upon his guards, instructing them to escort her out of the house. The guards, following Charles's orders, grabbed her by the arms and dragged her away, her screams echoing throughout the halls.

Meanwhile, Kathleen and Lana, unaware of the brewing storm downstairs, retreated to their respective rooms after an exhausting day. The walls served as a barrier, muffling the commotion and shielding them from choas.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now