Wooyoung ~Sasaeng~ [Part 2]

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Wooyoung's POV

It's been two weeks since I told San about the letters I was receiving and thankfully things have calmed down after that. I haven't received anymore letters from the person which has put me more at ease but that's due to the fact that we've got our security doubled at all times, even the security at the company and added measures around our dorm. We were advised by our security that they have spotted a suspicious person a few times wearing a black hoodie and have found a couple letters left outside buildings but they were all promptly disposed of. It's reassuring to have the added security, especially to hear that they were doing their job well. Things had really calmed down and do that I was thankful for, though Seonghwa and Hongjoong still go around every night and make sure all the windows and doors are locked securely. It's odd to see Hongjoong home early so many nights in a row and I felt bad for causing that but he told me it wasn't my fault and that it makes him feel at ease for my safety. According to him, until the person is found, our guard should not be let down. He may be a little bit paranoid given we have more security and they're doing their job really well but it makes him be more at ease and I would be lying if I said it didn't comfort me as well.

All our constant practice has lead up to our tour but before that begins, we still have a music show to perform in. We were all in our dressing room, getting ready for the performance that was coming up soon, getting our styling and makeup done. It can get a little restless in the dressing room while waiting for our turn to perform which means we tend to have some fun. That brings us to now, I was bored and wanted some fun which set my sights on our maknae.

"Oh makdoongie," I sung as I made my way over to Jongho who was sitting on the table scrolling through his phone. He glanced up at me and his eyes widened, taking on a defensive stance immediately. His phone was placed on the table as he jumped up, his hands raising in an instant.

"What're you doing Hyung," he asked with a frown. I gasped in mock surprise, my hand laying over my chest.

"Why are you so distrusting Jjongie," I said with a pout, skipping closer to him but he just backed up more.

"Nuh uh, don't come near me. I know exactly what you're doing," Jongho said.

"And what exactly is that, please do tell. I'm just trying to come talk with my beautiful maknae," I said sweetly.

"Hyungs, Wooyoung Hyung is trying to do something to me," Jongho called out.

"Wooyoung, leave the baby alone," Seonghwa said, glancing back from where he was gently touching up Hongjoong's makeup.

"I haven't even done anything," I said with a huff.

"Doesn't matter, leave your brother alone," Hongjoong said. I pouted and looked back over to Jongho who just narrowed his eyes at me, his hands still held up.

"Youngie, come play with me if you're bored," San called out. That got my attention and I instantly spun back around, bounding over to him. I always worry that I may annoy the boys but they're all used to my extra energy before shows. San was sitting on the couch so I quickly jumped on top of him and instinctively bent down, latching my jaw around his shoulder. He jolted slightly but chuckled and pat my head as I let go and relaxed against him, nuzzling my head into San's neck.

"You need to stop biting people you know," he said softly.

"Never," I said with a giggle.

"Guys be careful, you don't want to crinkle your clothes before the performance," Hongjoong called out. Right, that's probably a smart idea of what not to do. I sighed before peeling myself off San and instead sitting down beside him. I was already beginning to get a little restless but San squashed that immediately as he pulled out his phone and brought up tiktok for us to watch. We sat like that for a little bit until Hongjoong clapped his hands to gain everyone's attention.

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