Wooyoung ~Telephone Voicemails~

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I didn't want to give anything away in the title, so that's why it's different than usual

"Hey Wooyoungie, I know it's been a while, but I miss you so I wanted to talk to you. You left a week ago and it's been hard. I never wanted you to leave and I just hope you're going to be ok."

There was a beep and the voicemail ended, encasing me once again in silence. I placed the telephone back down and sighed, looking blankly at the white wall in front of me. It's been a while since I've heard San's voice, it's nice to hear it again. I looked around the room, frowning to myself. The house is so clean, so plain, so dead. There's no life in it. It's isolating, lonely. I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, humming to myself to fill the silence. I grabbed a slice of bread from the loaf sitting on the bench, putting it inside the toaster and pulling down the lever, hearing a click to let me know it was now toasting. Toast seems to be the only I eat these days. It's completely lost it's taste, but life is so boring that sometimes I just like to eat for the sake of doing something. There was another click and a pop and I turned around to see the toast sticking up. I walked over and pulled it out, barely blinking at the slight burn I got on my finger. At least I feel something. I contemplated putting the toast on a plate so I don't get crumbs everywhere, but what's the point when it's just going to get cleaned up anyway. The toast was crunchy, but once again tasteless. It's better not feeling anything at all though. I heard a beep from the loungeroom and I looked to see a red blinking light from the telephone on the small white table in the middle of the room. Another voicemail, I wonder who it is this time. I put my toast down and walked over to the telephone, clicking the button to hear the voicemail.

"Hey Wooyoung, it's Yunho here. I haven't been able to see your smile in a while, life's a little bleak without it. Please come back soon, I don't know how much longer we can go on like this. Sannie won't stop crying, he wants you back. Yeosangie just won't say anything. We need you back home."

I want to go back home, but what's the point. It's nice here, kind of. It may be dull and lonely, but at least there's no pressure and stress. It's serene and peaceful in a way. It hurts to know that San is crying because I left, but he knew I was going to leave for a bit anyway. Yeosang never talked much anyway, but I hope he starts again. I yawned and stood up once again. Time for a nap, I have lots of those lately. I walked towards the halls, glancing briefly at the clean and empty kitchen bench. I opened the door to my bedroom, walking inside and hearing it close behind me. Every noise in this house echo's, they cut through the silence like a knife. My bed was made, the sheets tucked in tight and the pillows fluffed up. The bed and pillows are always so comfortable here, it's amazing. I walked to the closet and swung the door open, looking inside at the variety of clothes hanging up. There isn't much of a variety, but that's ok. The clothes are comfortable, so it's a perk, I guess. I grabbed a shirt and some pants, getting changed into them quickly. I walked to my bed and untucked the covers, slipping under them and pulling them back up before my eyes slipped closed. A nap would be nice.


"It's been two weeks Hyung and I, I miss you. I know there were some issues before you left, but I really want you to just be ok and come back. Practice just isn't the same without you here, I don't think anyone really enjoys it. Yeosang Hyung doesn't come to practice anymore. I think he wants to come and see you, but he can't. He's starting to worry me Wooyoung Hyung. Please come back, I beg you."

It's the first time the maknae has contacted me since I came here. He sounds sad. It sucks that the boys are having trouble with practice, but I want to stay here just a bit longer. I'm not sure if I want Yeosang to come see me. Part of me what's him to at least talk to me like the others. To know he cares, but I guess from what the others are telling me, he's does and he's sad I left. It's sad that even the maknae wants me back when I don't want to leave here. He'll live though, 2 weeks isn't even that bad.

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