Wooyoung ~Stage Fright~

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Ok so I got a little carried away with this fic and it's over 10,000 words but you guys usually like the longer stories so I hope it doesn't bore you too much.

Wooyoung's POV

No one really knows this, but I get stage fright. I know, not something you'd expect an Idol to have. But when I was a trainee at BigHit, it was a really big problem. I would get anxious and even sometimes have anxiety attacks whenever I had to get up and perform in front of other's. There were times I even thought I would never be able to become an Idol because my stage fright was too much. After joining KQ, I begun to get better at performing in front of other's. The atmosphere was encouraging, the boys always being so supportive of everyone, however I never told them about my fear. That probably would've stopped me from being allowed to debut. Despite being able to perform in front of other's a lot better now, our rising popularity means there are always fans or paparazzi around us whenever we go out anywhere. Due to this, my stage fright has turned into me just getting anxiety whenever I'm out anywhere in general, during interviews or whenever we film things. I don't want any of the other boys knowing about my fear, as I don't want the possibility of me being kicked out or them not liking me as much when they find out I'm broken. I've managed to figure out a coping mechanism that helps calm me during interviews and outings and that's physical contact. If I hug someone, or keep someone close to me, it helps me calm down and get's rid of the anxiety. I've gotten into the habit of clinging to San whenever we go out, as he doesn't seem to mind and I usually need the comfort. Whenever my anxiety doesn't really subside, I am able to hide it by being louder to seem fine. I know the boys can sometimes get annoyed if I'm ever too loud, but I always make sure I tone it down whenever they say something or I notice someone's discomfort.

We're currently doing yet another interview and I could feel my anxiety beginning rise. I leaned over closer to San and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He glanced down at me and grinned, grabbing my seat and tugging it closer to him before he wrapped his arm around my waist, resting his head against mine softly. My anxiety calmed down but not completely, so I moved my hand and clenched the bottom of his shirt in my hand.

"So the next question I have for you boys is. Out of everyone in the group, who is most likely to just walk into a room and hug someone," the interviewer asked. Everyone immediately laughed and turned around to point at San and I. San giggled and held me tighter, squeezing our faces together.

"It's definitely San and Wooyoung," Mingi said with a chuckle.

"I mean look at the two of them. They're literally clinging to each other right now," Yunho pointed out. I grinned and hugged San tighter, pouting to do some aegyo as the other's chuckled. The interview continued on for a little longer, but San and I remained holding each other until the very end.

"Well, thank ATEEZ, it was a pleasure to have you boys here today," the interviewer said.

"Thank you so much for having us," Hongjoong said as he stood up. The rest of us all got the cue and we stood before bowing together in thanks. The cameras were stopped and we all waved before we begun to file out and leave the room. As we got closer to the door of the building, I begun to get nervous, hearing the tell-tale sign of people standing outside. I quickly shifted to the left as we walked and slipped my hand into San's. As I did it I giggled loudly and bounced up and down, smacking Yeosang's butt as I moved away from him, acting loud to not raise suspicion as to why I am acting so nervous. Yeosang turned to glare at me and Hongjoong shushed me quickly. I glanced at the leader who was watching me disapprovingly. I sent him an apologetic look and quietened down quickly. I got my desired effect though, as San was holding my hand tightly and chuckling. As soon as the door opened and we walked out, paparazzi was hurrying over and flashing their cameras in our faces. Our security team was quick to make sure they didn't get too close, but they were still there. My heart begun to pound and I quickly scooted closer to San, trying not to panic and taking deep breaths. San didn't seem to notice my predicament thankfully, however he automatically pulled me closer to protect me from the paparazzi. I noticed up ahead that Jongho had grabbed out tiny leader and pulled him close to his side as well. It's funny how Hongjoong is older, but Jongho is a lot stronger and bigger, so it ends up being Jongho looking after the leader. It's sweet. When we got into the van, San I went to the back and sat down next to each other. I quickly curled into his side as he wrapped an arm around my waist and I calmed down slowly with the comfort.

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