Yeosang ~Abuse With No Mark~

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Ok, so I know I said the last one was long but this one is at least 10,000 words so um, yeah

Trigger Warning

There isn't really anything bad in here but there is forcing to do things through threatening someone so if you don't like those kinds of things then please don't feel the need to read it

And by forcing to do things, I don't mean anything sexual

Yeosang's POV

Life is great, or at least it used to be. I have a loving family, plus the other boys who are practically my family as well and I have a great life. Now though, I'm not so sure if it's classified as great or not. Sometimes people can hurt you, physically, without it even leaving a mark or showing that they hurt you at all. There are many ways to torture someone, make their life a living hell and if no one sees the act, they'd never have even the slightest clue it was happening...

Each member in our group has their own personal trainer, to help with nutrition, diets and workouts. Mine is a man called Lee Taewon, and I would hardly call him a good person. It's been a month, a month since he became my trainer and I wish he never was. I was in the middle of doing a run through of Déjà vu when I stumbled slightly during the choreo. I went to continue but the music was quickly shut off by Taewon. Right, zero mistakes.

"What was that? That was disgraceful. You call that dancing," he yelled at me. The words had no effect on me, I honestly just felt empty inside. I don't have any fight left in me, not when I know I could never deal with the consequences that would come from not doing as he asked.

"You're going to do a plank for five minutes, get down and ready so I can time you," he said. I was dreading it, but I quickly got into position as he asked.

"Five minutes, starting now," he said, clicking the timer. I got to around two minutes when my abs started to hurt, already sore from all the gym work and planks I've done previously. By the time I got to three minutes, it started to burn and my eyes were welling up. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it to five minutes like this, it hurt too much to continue but I knew I need to. I need an incentive, some motivation.

"Taewon-ssi, can I please have a break, maybe stop early. It's really sore," I managed to gasp out.

"No. No slackers. Either you do the full five minutes, or I'll be paying a little visit to Mr Jung during his next time off," he said immediately. That's all the motivation I needed. Just the thought of Wooyoung getting hurt was enough to make me grit my teeth and finish of the plank.

"That's five minutes," he told me. I immediately collapsed to the floor, silently crying tears of relief as I held my stomach with one hand to ease the pain.

"No slacking get up and continue," Taewon told me sharply. I was exhausted and sore but I managed to stumble to my feet and get back into position, wincing slightly.

"If you get through this next run through without a mistake, you'll be done for tonight. If you don't, you'll be punished and we will continue until you do," he said sternly. I nodded and took a deep breath, preparing myself. I somehow managed to get through the song, not making a mistake despite how much I wanted to just stop and lay down.

"Good. You're done for today, you did well. I will see you tomorrow," he said, not even waiting to help me out, just leaving. I was panting slightly, trying to get more air into my lungs as I leaned against the wall. God I'm tired. I walked over, grabbed my jacket and phone before making my way home. The walk was at least 10 minutes and if I wasn't already exhausted before I left, I definitely was now but I held it together, wanting to at least get to my bed before I relaxed. I opened the door and stumbled inside, thankful that there was no one in the living room so they wouldn't ask any questions. I stumbled slightly and fell into the wall, barely able to hold myself up, let alone walk but I managed to get to my bedroom. Unfortunately that's all I managed to get to as my knees immediately gave out and collapsed to the floor with a thud and a groan. It didn't hurt too much but maybe that's because my body was already aching and I was already trying to hold back sobs. I just laid there on the ground how I fell, not even having the energy to move my hand and pillow my head. I wanted to fall asleep but the ground was too uncomfortable, nonetheless I didn't have the energy so I was stuck in a bit of a predicament. I was trying to think about what I could do when the door was suddenly opened and there was a gasp. A few seconds later, I felt myself being pulled up into someone's arms, letting out a groan as I was jostled. With much effort, I managed to lift my head and I blinked to see Wooyoung looks down at me in concern. He was worried about me but at least he was ok. I'm staying quiet and doing this so he will be alright, that's all I want. I dropped my head forward and tucked it into his neck, letting out a deep breath of relief and relaxing as his lap was a lot more comfortable than the floor.

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