Wooyoung ~Depression~

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Heavy Trigger Warning

Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Attempted Suicide. Please do not read this fic if any of the triggers mentioned above are triggers for you. Your health and well-being is more important than reading a fic I wrote

Wooyoung's POV

"Wooyoung, you're a beat behind everyone, pick it up," the choreographer said as he stopped the music. I frowned before bowing in apology. I don't know why, but I just can't find the energy to be practicing right now.

"Let's go from the top everyone," the choreographer said. A few of the other's groaned, but San walked over to me and gently pat my backside in encouragement. I quickly forced a smile to try to reassure him I was fine and it seemed to work as he grinned in response as we both got back to our positions. The choreographer started the music once again and we begun to dance. I tried my best, I really did but pretty soon I was just lazily following along. My limbs felt like lead and I just slowly followed along, not even jumping properly.

"JUNG WOOYOUNG," the choreographer yelled shutting the music off with a slam. I jumped at the noise and shied away as the choreographer stormed towards me.

"What is wrong with you? Are you that incompetent that you can't even do a dance," the choreographer said. Before he got to me though, there was another body suddenly in front of me, blocking the choreographer's path.

"I'd appreciate it if you don't talk to my members like that," Hongjoong said icily. I blinked in surprise, not expecting him to be so angry, especially when it's obvious I've been making so many mistakes.

"He's being lazy," the choreographer said.

"No, he's exhausted, there's a difference," Hongjoong said. I could see the choreographers face scrunch up in anger but he knew better than to go against Hongjoong. Hongjoong is the golden goose of KQ and being the first trainee has it's privileges.

"Since he's so tired, practice is finished for today," the choreographer said before turning and leaving the room. Everyone was quiet for a few seconds, glancing over at me before Hongjoong spoke up.

"Practice is done guys, go home and get some rest," Hongjoong said. Everyone immediately started packing up and Hongjoong turned to face me, a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry Hyung, I'll do better next time," I said quietly.

"Don't be sorry Wooyoung, I can tell you're tired. We've had a long week of promotions, you just go home and get some rest ok," he said softly. I bit my bottom lip anxiously and nodded before walking over to my bag. I quickly put on my jumper and zipped up my bag before following the others to the door. San waited until I got to him before slipping his hand into mine and holding it tightly. Usually this would make me smile and give me more energy but I was too tired so I just held it loosely and leant into his side. I could tell he was concerned but he didn't say anything, just linked our fingers together and pulled me closer to his side. It took the last of my energy to walk to the van and sit down before I gave up and let my head loll forwards. It didn't get very far as San caught it swiftly and moved my head to rest gently on his shoulder as he sat down next to me. I let out a sigh and cuddled closer to him, letting my eyes slip closed.

"San, is he ok," I heard Seonghwa ask.

"He's exhausted Hyung, can barely keep his head up," San replied.

"Let him get some rest then, we have another performance in two days and we need him to be well rested for then," Seonghwa said. The van went quiet after that and I felt a hand begin to card softly through my hair. I let out a soft sigh before relaxing fully against my soulmate. It didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep.

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