Yeosang ~Attempted Suicide~

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Trigger Warning

Obviously attempted suicide give the title but just in case, this is all about a suicide attempt so please don't read if it is triggering

Yeosang's POV

Everyone is gone. Well they aren't at the dorm at least, due to the different schedules they all had. Today is my day off, my first day off in 2 months and I have been waiting and preparing for this day for so long. Today is going to be a good day, the first in a long time, and probably my last forever. You see I may be Kang Yeosang of ATEEZ, the sassy, savage and secretly soft member but that certainly doesn't mean I'm happy. I haven't been happy for a long time, there isn't much to be happy about to be honest. Yes I'm in ATTEZ but I'm not even a vital member and I hardly sing, don't really dance much. The only thing I'm really here for is my looks, but all the boys have good looks so that's literally nothing. I've been struggling for a while, the only thing that's kept me going was the members, but now I don't think it's enough. None of the boys have even noticed that I'm struggling anyway, in fact they hardly notice me, no one does, so no one will really care once I'm gone. I'm hurting and I just want it to stop, luckily there is a very easy way to make it stop. I wrote some notes a week ago, 7 in total. One for each of the boys, explaining how much I love them and how much I will miss performing with them but it's time for me to go unfortunately. I planned everything out over a month ago but I needed to wait for the right moment, when everyone is gone. I don't want to do this when they're all home. Call me a coward but it isn't fair to them, knowing they were a few doors away and thinking they could've stopped me when they couldn't have done anything at all.

I went to my desk draw and pulled out the bits of paper that were tucked safely under some books, hidden away. I went from room to room, gently placing down the letter with the persons name on it on their respective pillow. I then went to Hongjoong and Seonghwa's bathroom and looked through the cupboard, successfully finding the bottle of strong pain killers that Seonghwa used to use when he hurt his ribs. They would do perfectly for me. I walked back to me bed and sat down, pulling out my phone for one last call before I go. It only rang three times before it was answered.

"Hey Sangie, how's your boredom going all alone at the dorm," Wooyoung's bright voice greeted me. I bit my lip slightly to try and stop myself from tearing up. Wooyoung is my best friend, has been for over 6 years and I love him a lot. It's hard knowing this is going to be the last time I hear his voice.

"It's not too bad, I'm actually enjoying it. At least I don't have to hear your whiney voice," I responded weakly after a few seconds, hearing him giggle in return.

"Yes, well you just called to listen to this whiney voice so that kind of contradicts your statement," he said.

"True," I hummed in reply.

"So why did you call me anyway," he asked me.

"I dunno, I just missed you a bit. How's it going at the recording studio," I asked him as a few tears slid silently down my cheek.

"It's really good, Sannie sounds amazing and Hongjoongie Hyung was rapping like a legend. Hwa Hyung hasn't gone yet," he replied. I could picture his smile in my mind and my heart clenched slightly.

"That's good," I said.

"Yeah, listen I need to go but I'll talk to you more tonight alright Sang," he told me.

"Ok, bye. I love you Young-ah," I said quickly, not wanting to miss the chance to tell him.

"See, why can't you say that in front of the other's. Anyway see ya Sangie-."

"Wait," I said quickly.

"What," he asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"You didn't say it back," I said quietly. I heard him chuckle slightly through the phone.

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