Yeosang ~Sensory Overload~

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Yeosang's POV

When I woke up, I immediately knew that it was nowhere near time to wake up. I was confused as to why I had woken up out of nowhere, but then I woke up more and realised how uncomfortable I was feeling. My skin was all prickling and I felt unbearably hot. I went to move slightly but stopped quickly when I remembered I had a little visitor. Wooyoung was draped over the top of me, sleeping sadly. Crap. I squirmed slightly, trying to move without waking him but it didn't work. I needed to get him off because it was too much and I was too uncomfortable. I was too hot and my skin was too prickly. I whined and almost shoved Wooyoung off me completely but quickly stopped myself as I didn't want to hurt him. He must've felt me moving though, as he woke up anyway.

"Sangie," he whispered sleepily. I didn't reply, just tried to calm my breathing so I didn't panic too much.

"Everything ok," he mumbled.

"S'too hot," I said quickly, trying my best not to begin hyperventilating. Wooyoung immediately slipped off me and sat up, grabbing my arm and pulling me up with him. I whimpered and tried to pull away from him but he hushed me softly.

"Arms up," he whispered. I lifted my arms up and he quickly grabbed the bottom of my shirt, pulling it over my head and discarding it to the side. I instantly felt a lot better, not having the uncomfortable material scratching against my skin, but I was still hot so I shifted away from Wooyoung a bit more.

"You doing ok," Wooyoung asked me. I just hummed in reply, not wanting to worry him too much. He gave me a small smile before slipping off the bed and standing up.

"Get some more sleep Yeosang-ah," he whispered before going over to his bed and laying down. I felt bad because I had essentially kicked him out of my bed, when I know he wanted to cuddled throughout the entire night. I'm feeling a lot better now that I'm not so smothered though.

"Stop thinking and get some sleep," Wooyoung whispered. I sighed before laying down and shoving my blanket back, not wanting it to lay on top of me and make me more uncomfortable. I let my eyes slip closed and I slowly drifted back off to sleep.


The next time I woke up, it was actually time to wake up. Once again though, my skin was feeling uncomfortable except this time I had a slight headache to accompany the uncomfortable feeling. What fun. Despite not feeling 100%, I decided not to mention anything to the others. They really don't need any added stress to practice today. I quickly begun to get ready, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of my shirt against my skin. I left my room and walked out towards the kitchen to have something to eat. As I was deciding what to eat, there was some shuffling and I felt a sleepy San draped himself over me. I froze and my face scrunched up as I desperately wanted to get away from him, but I didn't want to accidentally hurt him. San is always very clingy when he wakes up and I don't want to just shove him away. I heard rushed footsteps and a few seconds later, San was pulled away from me. Thank god. I turned around to see Wooyoung kissing San's cheek softly before ushering him off back down the hall.

"You ok," Wooyoung asked, turning back to me. I nodded quickly.

"I'm just a bit tired," I lied.

"Do you think today is going to get a bit too much," he asked me, his eyebrows furrowing in worry. I know exactly what he means and I really don't want him worrying about this.

"I'm not sure," I said with a shrug.

"Do you want me to pack the headphones and eye mask," he asked. I glanced around quickly to make sure no one else was near and could overhear. The last thing I need is for someone else to get worried as well.

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