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The house is very quiet with the boys away. I sneak through every room, trying to kill some time. They have completely trashed Nikki's beautiful mansion. Nikki was going to have a fit if he came home and saw his place looking like this. I hope the guys had some serious plans on cleaning.

The guys are all out. Axl, Duff, and Stevie went somewhere called the cat house. Izzy told me he and Slash were going to score. Whatever that means. Don't get me wrong, I may have been raised in a cult and I may be clueless sometimes, but I'm not stupid. I know that they're buying drugs.

I just wonder if this is dangerous. Izzy has nearly died twice. Both times it was in some way the drugs fault. I can't help but be curious about how long he has been doing them. I wonder what he may have been like before them. The night of his overdose was the first time I could really tell he was even on drugs.

I have a strange feeling in my gut, feeling nervous. Izzy said I'd be safe in Nikki's house but I don't feel safe without the guys around me. Without Izzy. Izzy told me to stay in the house and not to open the door under any circumstances. The house has a security system but Slash deactivated it by entering the wrong code three times. Izzy had the correct code but was unable to reset it. I guess we need to wait for Nikki to fix that again.

He said he's more afraid of Nikki's so called buddies to show up than my family. He doesn't think they are looking for me. But I know better. My father will do anything to get me back. He has promised me to that old man and he's holding on to this. A cold shiver runs down my spine when I think about it. The wedding. This seems ages ago already.

I try to relax and step out of the house into the backyard. There's a pool there. Of course there is. Nikki seems to be so wealthy, how could this house not have a pool? I think I also see a hot tub. It's warm outside and I sit down in a chair, enjoying the California sun.

I wonder where things will go from here? I'm unemployed, uneducated and homeless. But for the first time in my life I feel happy. Being with Izzy, knowing he loves me, fills me with a happiness that doesn't make me worry about anything else. I know he thinks he's not good enough for anyone but I trust him. He's going to take care of me.

A smile crosses my lips as I think of the way Izzy had made love to me. With nothing to compare it to I can only assume it was textbook. Izzy made amazing things happen to my body. He somehow managed to kill that burning throb between my thighs. I can't help but blush when I think of him inside me. Bless me father, I have sinned, and I can't wait to do it again. Izzy was so gentle with me.

He made me feel so at ease. He asked my consent before doing anything. I lay there a while, when a noise snaps me out of my thoughts. Someone is trying to come through the back gate. Time stops. The only thing I hear is the metal sound of someone lifting the gate latch. It is closed, right? All I can think of is: Oh my god, they've found me.

In a second, I jump up and dart back to the house, slamming the door behind me. With shaking hands I turn the key. I have no way to reach Izzy or the guys. I have to call the police! The only chance I have is to call the police for help. So I fanatically run through the house and search for a phone. Dialing 9-1-1 with my trembling fingers, I wait for them to answer.

"9-1-1. What's your emergency?" The voice on the other side asks and I freeze for a second.

What exactly is my emergency? I'm about to get kidnapped? Are they going to believe me? Nobody would believe me if my father would take me away. I mean, he's my father! I slam the handle down in panic. No, they will take me back to him. I better take the chance to fight or run.

I sprint in front of the house. My breath coming faster and faster and the room is almost spinning. Touching the handle of the door, I hesitate. Whoever was trying get in through the garden, he might not be alone. My father would definitely bring my brother.

I step back and peak through the blindfolds to see if somebody's out there. That very moment the doorbell rings and I almost get a heart attack. I jump and let out a squeak. Just relax Mary Josephine; I try to calm myself down. They wouldn't ring the doorbell, would they? I peak through the blindfolds and see two men in police uniform. I let out a sigh of relieve. Thank god, it's the police. 9-1-1 must have sent them over to check on me.

I rip open the door and the world stops spinning as I recognize the faces in front of me: My father and my husband-to-be! I saw everything in that moment: His balding head with that wispy white hair, the spots of age beginning to show on his skin, his crinkled faceý... No! No way I'm going to marry that old man.

With all strengths I've left, I stumble backwards and try to shut the door but the two men are already at the door. The cops appear to be on their side helping them. They've come to take me home. To take me away from Izzy.

"It's time to come home little lamb." My father hisses coldly.

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you," I bark at him.

I feel my father eyeing my clothes Nikki bought me. "You look like rock star trash. They showed me pictures of this devil of yours, Nikki Sixx. He has you under an evil spell. He's bestowed all these spoils on you. It's all a trick, just to get what he wants from you."

Nikki? They must have thought I was with him since this was his house. How in the world had they found me? How did you found me?" I question.

"The LA times did this article, you were in it with a bunch of long haired filthy rock stars," My husband to be says with disdain. "Did you give yourself to them?"

"Just return to your family Miss," A cop instructs me. "They've been worried sick about you."

"This has gone on long enough Mary Josephine, we must purge this demon from your soul." my father says and reaches for my hand with an iron grip.

"I...I need to get my things." I stutter trying to delay in the hope that the guys would soon return and rescue me.

"You have no need for the devil's clothes," My brother almost snarls looking me up and down.

I quickly jerk my hand away. "Just give me a second. I'll come with you," I say in defeat.

I scurry into the bedroom Izzy and I had been using. He has a pizza box sitting next to the bed with lyrics written on the back. I grab a pen and scratch the letters over and over into the box boldly.


I can only pray Izzy can save me before it's too late. I know my fate is to return home and marry this disgusting old man. I cringe when I think of how he expects to do me what Izzy did. But I didn't want his nasty hands to touch me like that. I would rather it be Nikki, or any of the other guys, just not this ugly old bald man.

Karma's Happenstance (Guns n Roses - Izzy Stradlin/OC/Nikki Sixx - Mötley Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now