Useless random thoughts

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Izzy's POV

My mind reeled at the possibilities of what Sixx might have been doing with that church girl. I really have no clue why I even care. It's not like she's my girl. Not like I would even want her to be. Still, there's some strange force that makes me care for her well being. And there was the fact that I saw her in a dream weeks before I had ever met her.

Now here I am, drunk of my ass, getting it on with some random slut and all I can think about is her. If Nikki lay one finger on her I would break all nine of his others. If Axl lets him, well I'll fucking break his too. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I stop thinking about her for just a second?

The slut grips onto my shirt and drags me out into the hallway, away from the other guys. She looks at me with 'fuck me' eyes. I usually have no problem, fucking a girl in front of the others. We'd shared once in a while or even watched for fun. But this time I'm glad to avoid an audience. I need to focus. And I need to fuck the rage out of my system.

The slut, I don't even remember her name and I don't fucking care either, rips her tube top down. Her big tits pop out and I can't help wondering if those tits are real. I mean, they are so fucking huge. This isn't really my thing. That's more Slash's style.

She plucks and squeezes her nipples, grinding against me trying to get off. She lifts her skirt and slits two fingers into her pussy, rubbing her clit . At least so I could cum. This chick is trying really really hard after all. I could at least give her my full and undivided attention. Focus Isbell.

I stare at her and feel nothing. Not a spark. Fucking shit!

I mean, don't get me wrong, I am still hard as fuck but that's all church girl. Her deep blue eyes and that fiery red hair on my mind. How good she felt beneath me or how she's pressed her body onto mine when she hugged me. Fuck, I can't fucking do it.

And for the first time in my fucked up life, the thought of a random chick stopped me from fucking a slut. A part of me would give anything if I could magically transform this groupie into my church girl. I knew it was wrong to even want her. But the animal in me yearned for her. The man in fought those thoughts and feelings. The scary part is, I know I'm more animal than I am man. I couldn't be trusted. If that girl ever gave me half a chance I would be unable to stop myself.


I'm not really sure why Izzy warned me about Nikki. He's really charming. And funny. And I appreciate that he bought me clothes to wear. He apparently is rich because he never bats an eyelash at price tags. He couldn't be that bad, right?

Okay, granted, the way he keeps staring at me creeps me out a little bit. I really liked the way Izzy was looking at me once in a while but this Nikki guy? Every time he stares at me, I can feel a chill running down my spine. But I can't stop wondering what Izzy will say about my new appearance. I am really excited about it. I bet I don't look like a religious 'freak' now.

We get back from dinner at Caesar's Palace and return to the bands room. Izzy just materializes as the door opens. He has a beer bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Nikki looks to him with that special smile he reserves just for use on Izzy. It's a very cocky smile.

"See Stradlin, I told you I'd bring her back," Nikki says to Izzy in this sardonic way of his.

Izzy just stands there looking. He seems completely emotionless. It appears as if nothing goes through his mind when he see's my new look.
I'm about to walk away and Nikki grabs my hand and pulls me back. He wraps his arms around me. He looks down at me with his devils grin. Then to Izzy. I'm close enough to him that I can see his eyes under his hair. They're a beautiful light bluish green. Almost the color of Tropical waters I had seen on TV and in books. They were beautiful. Why did he hide them behind all that wild hair?

I watch as his eyes squinch slightly. "I didn't give her a goodnight kiss yet," he smirks at Izzy.

"Come on Sixx..." Izzy sighs.

Before either Izzy or myself can say another word I find Nikki's lips pressed hard to mine. His hand on the back of my head holds me to him. I begin pushing away from his chest, but his lips only seem to suction further and stronger to mine. Then I feel his tongue forcing its way into my mouth. I draw my breath in having never had this done before. I feel myself not fighting so hard now. I find myself wanting his lips. His tongue sparks my curiosity. Was this my first real kiss? Like the ones in the movies?

Was it wrong of me to enjoy this? I mean it's my first real kiss, and I didn't consent to give it. But now, in this moment, I just can't fight. Nikki's done something to me I can't quite explain. I don't like him, not at all, but I'm accepting his kiss. Why is that? How can I enjoy something from someone like him?

And then Nikki stops kissing me. When I open my eyes I'm looking directly into his. I swear to God I watch the beautiful blues and greens in his eyes turn to black as that smug grin covers his face.

"Mmmm," he purrs at me. He then looks to Izzy. "Tastes like cotton candy."

"Man fuck you," Izzy shakes his head as he flicks a cigarette ash. He appears to be calm. That disturbing calm. That drug calm.

And then Nikki releases me with one last evil smile before slithering off with Tommy. Izzy looks at me with a frown on his face. At least some emotion seems to be registering in him now. But I suddenly feel unconfident. He hasn't said anything yet. Does he like my new dress?

"You had fun, honey" He asks plainly and I fight the urge to cry.

Why couldn't he once look at me the way Nikki does? Why couldn't he touch me like Nikki? Or even kiss me like Nikki?
Izzy's dead eyes float over to Axl standing next to me. "You let her parade around Vegas in that?" He asks motioning at my dress.

Axl rolls his eyes and just walks off. I'm left standing here almost in tears. I thought he would finally look at notice me. But it sounds as if his taste in girls clothes and Nikki's must differ.

I hear Izzy huff, "Yeah, I bet Sixx had a damn fine time."

I choke back tears in my throat and manage to ask, "Don't you like my new dress?"
Izzy takes a long drag from his cigarette and actually allows himself to look at me. He is silent. His eyes slowly soften. His furrowed brows relax. In his eyes I see the colors of amber and green swirling to life. But for all this, he still looks at me so blank.

Karma's Happenstance (Guns n Roses - Izzy Stradlin/OC/Nikki Sixx - Mötley Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now