Overdosed on love

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A raging noise outside of Nikki's room snaps me out of my thoughts and makes me jump. I hear things shattering, people running and yelling at each other. I can't make out what they are saying exactly but they are surely upset about something. I wonder who is fighting now. These guys fought too much.

I get out of bed, dress quickly and open the door to see what is going on. The source of the noise seems to be in one of the bathrooms and I fight the nausea when I step closer to it. The last time I just followed noises without thinking, I ran into Izzy and that other woman. I have no intention on witnessing something like that ever again. So I stop and hesitate for a moment.

But there seems to be chaos all over the place. Girls are grabbing their things and running out of the suite. People keep frantically running in and out of the bathroom. Their expressions are one of fear and disbelief as they systematically take a look and turn to leave.

I take a look at the living room and see Nikki sitting there, smoking. He seems relaxed and not the least bit affected by what is going on in the other room. I guess if he isn't worried it must not be that big of a deal.

"Don't let that fucker die in my fucking place." He shouts out toward the bathroom and chuckles. "We really can't use publicity like that."

I hesitate for a moment. What is he even talking about? There's someone dying? What is going on? Why isn't he doing something?
My heart races and I'm afraid to take a step closer to the opened bathroom door. But I have to
see where Izzy is in all this and if he is okay. Whatever is going on there, it didn't sound like it had anything to do with Izzy. He has to be okay. He must be in one of the bedrooms sleeping it off.

Though I don't see how anyone could be sleeping through all this. When I get closer to the bathroom, I hear water running.

"C'mon Izz. You stupid motherfucker. Don't die on us here." I hear Axl's voice and I start panicking.

I don't realize what is happening. I hear people calling my name, hands grabbing me, holding me back while I fight against them furiously. Why are they trying to hold me back? I have to see Izzy. I have to be sure that he's ok. I twist and jerk away from the hands grasping me from all angles. I crane my neck just enough to see inside the bathroom.

Izzy is curled up in the bathtub, soaking wet and still wearing all his clothes. His eyes are shut. His lips are blue. Seeing this, I panic even more. All I can think of is: He's dead! God, no he's dead. He can't be! Why isn't someone calling an ambulance? Why are they putting him in the shower with his clothes on? Why are they holding me back?

Soon Axl is dragging him out of the tub. He flops onto the tile like a dead fish. Axl is slapping his face but he doesn't respond. Not a single blink or moan. He's like a rag doll as they shake him and slap him.

"Nikki, dude, call a fucking ambulance!" I hear Duff calling for Nikki.

"Are you fucking high?" I hear Nikki calling back. I guess this is enough commotion to rouse him from his seat because he is soon standing next to me in the doorway. He calmly drags from his cigarette. "I od'd in London once...they beat me with a baseball bat...when that didn't work they threw me in the trash."

"Um, we really appreciate the story bro, but this is fucking serious," Slash says slapping the side of Izzy's face.

"Want me to find a bat?" Nikki shrugs and just watches the spectacle unfolding before him. He shows no concern at all. In fact he seems downright amused, like he's watching a movie or something.

"Nikki do something!" I yell at him.

"Fuck that," he shakes his head with a huff, "They'll make me explain shit. I can't have fucking cops here asking fucking questions. Hell no. Stradlin's a big boy. He knows the junkie rules. Number one, don't call the fucking cops or ambulances and shit. Besides, he'll snap out of it, just his lips are blue. It's not spreading to his hands and shit."

Karma's Happenstance (Guns n Roses - Izzy Stradlin/OC/Nikki Sixx - Mötley Crüe)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt