"Ka, ka, it's all good..." Freen fell silent then. Becky sensed something was wrong.

"Becky can you come over for a while?" came Freen's soft delicate voice. Becky knew this voice. Freen was crying.

"Ka. Dai ka. You know what, I'll bring dinner. I'll stay with you a while. I'm just waiting for one of Emi's friend's mom to drop Emi home, then we'll leave for your place. Is that fine?"


"Freen ka, whatever it is, it'll be okay na. I'm coming over. We'll sort it out."

"I know, bebe.." came Freen's reply.

"I'll see you in 20 mins na?" Becky said and hung up.


When Freen opened the door and saw Becky, she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Her first instinct was to throw her arms around Becky and seek comfort, but she hesitated.

That's when she felt two little arms wrap around her hips.

"Auntie Freen, you were supposed to come pick me up from school! I thought we were going to spend the afternoon together!"

Freen leaned down and kissed Emily over her head and said, "I'm sorry honey, something came up at Beck's school and I had to wait back. I'll make it up to you na, I promise." Freen squeezed her shoulder and kissed her forehead this time.

The little gesture put a wide smile on Emily's face. "Okay ka. Where's nong Beck?! I've got to tell him about this reptile we studied about in school today!"

"He's in his room honey, you can go upstairs and find him."

Emily ran.

"Don't run on the stairs, honey!" Freen called after her.

When Freen turned back around to greet Becky, Becky pulled her into a life-assuring hug. And Freen felt her insecurities melt away. She felt so over-whelmed, she began to cry.

"Your eyes, the minute I saw them I knew you'd been crying, and that you wanted to cry some more. I'm here, Freen. What happened na?"

They were on the living room couch now, and Freen was narrating to Becky.

"Apparently the teacher entered the classroom to find Beckett threw a punch right into the other boy's eye. The kid's got a black eye now and his Mae kept arguing with me, telling me things like what kind of mother teaches her kid to hit other kids. What kind of fucked up family are you running?! Does your child not know how to behave in a classroom?!"

"What a bitch!"

"Becky, I didn't even know what to say. Because Beckett admitted to doing it, but he wouldn't tell me why he did it. By some miracle I convinced the teacher not to suspend him. But only if Beckett apologized to the other boy. And he wasn't willing to do that either. So I promised the other Mae that once he's calmed down and I make him understand, he will apologize."


"We came home, and I asked Beckett repeatedly, but he just wouldn't tell me. And he kept yelling back at me saying it wasn't completely his fault. He then threw a tantrum to eat his food because he was angry with me now, and I lost my temper a bit with him, told him to go to his room. And now he won't talk to me. He's just been giving me the silent treatment since then."

"Freen, is that why you've been crying?"

"I'm clearly doing something wrong Becky, I don't know why he did what he did, I don't know why he feels he can't talk to me about it, and maybe the other kid's Mae was right. Maybe I am a bad parent."

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