Chapter 48

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"Issei you have summoned us all here to speak about something important." This statement came from Sirzechs as all the leaders sat at his dinner table with the ORC members.

"I had a nightmare about a 3 headed creature destroying the world. This creature said its my destiny to fail everyone and for my parents to die some day. I went to heaven and made contact with God."  This statement made everyone gasp but Michael.

"How did you speak to God, he is dead?" Sirzech asked Issei was spoke up after.

"Lord Michael told me that if I sit on his throne and draw my power into it I might be able to make contact with him." Issei informed everyone of this. "I was able to get to him and show him a 3 Kama marking. he told me that it was the mark of.......Trihexa." Issei sensed everyone's aura drop at the mention of the beast of destruction.

"Issei, how did you see those marking?" Azazel asked his student who sighed.

"After my nightmare I saw them on my wall with Rias, God told me during his fight with Trihexa. He saw a vision of the creature braking free and destroying the world."

"Did he say how we can stop it?" Ajuka asked the Dragon who shook his dead.

"No but he did tell me that if I go to the mountains valley in the dimensional gap I can find answers there, by the God of dragons." Issei informed everyone shocking them again.

"Then we need to send a team there, I do not know who would want to do such a thing." Azazel said to the group.

"I do." everyone looked back and saw Vali. "Rizevim always spoke about how he wanted to unleash the beast on the world and burn it to ashes and start a new with him as the ruler." Vali told everyone as he looked out the window. "He said he would take the powers with the holy grail and brake the seal."

"Then we need to find him and stop him before he can do that." Sirzech's spoke up as everyone agreed. "If he already has the Holy Grail that is bad, I just do not know where he could get power that strong to brake all the seals, he would need power on par with........Issei's parents." Issei thought and his eyes went wide.


dimensional gap

"I will have some food ready when Red gets back." Ophis was currently in the house that her and Great red had as she was cooking food sense Great red was off doing his own thing.

"Looks good." Ophis jumped when she looked back and saw Rizevim standing before her.

"Rizevim." Ophis narrowed her eyes at the devil king. "Why are you in my home?" Ophis asked the devil who smirked and sat down.

"I have come here to take something that I need for a special plan." Rizevim told her as she and him locked eyes.

"What would that be?" She asked the devil who looked away.

"Hmmmmmm, your......power." Rizevim said as she raised her hand and fired her power but Rizevim pulled the Holy Grail as the power was sucked into the cup as Ophis's power was being drained into the cup. "You see I need your power along with Great red's." Rizevim told her as he continued to drain her power. "That should do it,  oh the after affects will put you in a coma. Sweet dreams." Ophis's vision went blurry as he teleported away.

"MOM." Ophis looked up and saw Issei run over to her as she fell asleep. "MOM NO." Issei yelled as he heard the door open and his father walked in and saw his wife and ran over.

"OPHIS." Great red yelled as he took her from her son's hand. "OPHIS, OPHIS?" Great red continued to yell and nothing, he pulled his power into her and still nothing.

"What happned?" Great red asked his son who shook his head.

"I do not know I was in a meeting with the leaders about Rizevim and the 666 beast and Vali told us about his plan then we found out he had the Holy grail and that he needed mom's and yours power to brake the seal." Issei told his father as he growled.

"Damnit, if he used the Holy Grail that has a after affect that puts people in Comas. We need to get her home and watch over her." Great red told his son who nodded his head.

time skip

"Everyone seems to check out she is just in a Coma and her power was almost completely drained." Akeno told Great red as the leaders where in Issei's room. "Me and Asia will used are magic to heal her and with the power you gave us it will be much more affective." Great red nodded at this.

'Thank you guys." Great red told them and they nodded.

"How are you doing Issei?" Rias asked as he was sitting on the other side tapping his foot. "Are you ok?" Rias asked sitting next to him. Issei got up and walked to his table and put his hands on the edge and sigh looking away

"FUCK." Issei roared as he threw his table at the wall destroying it.


"When I get my hands on Rizevim, he is fucking dead. I am gonna rip him fucking APART." Issei yelled in his dragon voice as his eyes glowed with fury.

"ISSEI ENOUGH, your mother would not want you acting like this." Great red yelled at his son who growled and walked out the room slamming the door. "Leave him." Great red told Rias who was gonna go after him. "Leave him to cool off for now, he needs it."

"What are we gonna do now that he has half of the power he needs to release Trihexa?" Azazel asked the group.

"For now, we need to be ready for anything to happen." Great red told them all as they nodded.

unknow location

"Rizevim, your back." The woman said as she saw the Holy Grail glowing a dark purple. "You didn't?" She asked him and he smirked as he walked up to a golden seal.

"I went and stole Ophis's power, now half of the seal in unlocked." Rizevim said as the seal sucked all the power from the cup as you could see a huge creature chained up as half of the chains vanished. "Soon this world will burn." Rizevim said smirking.

"I have figured out the text." Rizevim looked right to her with a "spill it" face. "He who seeks the infinite and dream shall unleash the Apocalypse." She told the devil who rolled his eyes.

"Yes I know that part now what is the second part."

"One shall rise up and cut down the apocalypse as the new God." Rizevim's smile dropped in a heart beat to a enraged face. "It seems the text is more important then you think." The woman told the devil who grabbed her by the neck.

"I should kill you right now! Now that I know the rest of the text I do not need you anymore." Rizevim told her as he smirked and threw her. "Now leave." he told her as she walked out of the room. "EUCLID." The devil king roared as he ran into the room.

"Yes my lord?" The devil asked as he smirked.

"I know the second part of the text, now ready the armada. Its time to prepare the assault on the underworld." Euclid smirked hearing this information. Rizevim's looked to Trhiexa and smiled as it growled at him. "Soon my pet, you will burn this world to ashes."

bammmmmmmmmm chapter 48 done like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.

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