Chapter 44

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It's been 2 weeks inside the dimensional gap Issei has been training day in and day out with his father. He has been working on his senses, durability, strength and dragon slayer magic. Issei currently was meditating on a wooded board on a spiked mountain. His father watched his son as he was slowly coated in his dragon aura as he opened his eyes they glowed as he pushed himself up to a one hand handstand on the board balancing while increasing his power.

"Your training to be fluent with the pressure of your aura playing a roll. Once you master that ability that is when you will truly be able to unleash your power to its fullest potential." Great red told his son who pushed himself up as he slide down the spiked mountain.

"That's a lot harder than I thought in the beginning but it's getting easier." Issei told his father who smirked hearing this.

"I know, this is the same training I put myself through. I am as strong as I am because I drilled myself into the ground for millions of years. With this training is specialized for dragons such as yourself." Great red told his son whose aura disappeared.

"I see you and your father are getting progress from your training?" Issei looked back and saw his mother as he smiled at her.

"Yep, he is doing incredibly well for are first 2 weeks, his dragon slayer magic is stronger." Great red told his wife who walked over to him. "He is shaping into a fine dragon god, soon he will be the greatest." Issei smirked at his father's comment.

"I am gonna go rest in the spa." Issei told his parents as he ran to the open lake.

"Dose he know about the final test?" Ophis asked her husband who looked back to her and his son.

"No, he will be told about that at the end of the training." Great red told his wife who nodded.

With Rias and the others

"Come on Kiba keep up the speed." Kiba was currently battling Xenovia's as Rossweisse was fighting Akeno. They where getting ready for
There middle class test that was coming up.

"How's Issei?" The question came from Asia as Rias and her watched the other battle.

"He was well, he training is going better then expected. Which is amazing to hear. He wishes all of us good health as well." Rias told her bishop who smiled.

"I am happy to hear that." Asia said as Koneko now was fighting with Rossweisse as they all took turns training.

"Seems like everyone's progress is going well." Azazel walked up to Rias who nodded.

"Yes it is Azazel, we must be ready for anything. The Hero Faction is still out there and also the Chaos brigade. Now that Ophis has left its new leader is unknown but they still are dangerous. Same with the Old Satan Faction." Rias told her teacher who looked to the fighting students.

"OK EVERYONE, go get some rest and wash up. I have seen enough today you all are progressing well." Azazel yelled to the group as they all stopped and came together.

"Good work guys." Rias said to everyone as they all talked for a little then went and washed up and got some rest for the next day.

Later that night

"There progress continues to grow, they are doing amazing." Currently flying in the sky was Issei who was with his father who also was flying in the sky.

"Yes there progress is indeed going well, I am proud of them." Great red told his son as he saw his attention go to Rias who threw the window could see her brushing her hair looking at the photo they all took together at the party after Issei's victory in the rating game. "She truly is amazing isn't she?" Great red asked his son who looked back to him then Rias.

"God she is so beautiful, everything about her is perfect. She is everything I want in a lover and a person. She is an amazing partner friend master."

"I see that look in your eyes, I had the same eyes when your mother first attacked me for entering the Dimensional gap." Great red told his son who smiled softly as he watched her walked to her bed and lay down. "Me and your mother are both grateful for her and her family. She would make an amazing wife." Issei blushed a deep red hearing that.

"H-hey old man! You can't say crap like that out of no where." Issei said quickly back as his father broke out laughing.

"Ahhahahahahahah, ahhhh young love how beautiful it is. Let's head back to the gap your mother is probably questioning where we are." Great red told his son as he disappeared. 

"Sweet dream, my beautiful crimson princess." Issei said as he took one final look at Rias sleeping and he flew off.

Time skip

"Issei your training for the month has gone amazing, you have truly pushed yourself and for
that we are proud of you." Ophis told her son who stood before his mother and father. "You're truly growing in an amazing young man, and Dragon god."

"The Welsh Dragon God will never stop." Issei said smirking.

"Welsh Dragon god, I like it." Great red told his son as he pulled him into a hug. "I know your mother already said it but I am extremely proud of
you and everything you have accomplished." Great red said to his son. "But now it's time for the final test." Great red said as he walked away and raised his hand and in a crimson blur Rias and the others appeared inside the gap.

"Greetings Lord Red it's a pleasure to see you again." Rias said with everyone bowing.

"Final test?" Issei asked his father who walked past him.

"A rematch, only this time you will have to push me to use 40% of my true power. If you fail you cannot return to the human world and will stay here until you can." Great red told his son who was shocked to hear this.

"We believe in you Issei." Rias told him as he looked back to his father and smirked.

"I accept, let's do this father." Ophis summoned a bubble as they all flew into the sky to watch the battle between the two.

"Welsh Dragon God vs The Apocalypse Dragon God, this should be interesting." Ophis said to everyone as they watched Issei fly away from his father as the two turned around to face each other.

"Give me everything you have learned and worked on Issei, do not hold back." Great red told his son.

"Let's do this Ddraig." Issei said as he summoned his Boosted gear.

"BOOST." Ddraig yelled from the boosted gear as Issei dashed at his father who dashed at him as there forearms clashed causing a shockwave or air.

BAMMMM CHAPTER 44 Done like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTTT


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